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Geek Culture / Religion (Satanism for me) *NO PRERSONAL ATTACKS HERE*

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Posted: 12th Jul 2004 08:00
hey all

I have to day this is one of the most interesting things i have ever read. Just want to add a few things with you lot (which will probably get a mauling , but i don't mind)

Whats the difference between a belief and and idea (by this i'm not saying what is the dictionarys definition of it!)

Answer. A belief is an opinion which is very hard to change or an opinion that people consider to be a fact. However, an idea is an opinion that is very easy to change, and is never truly considered to be a fact.

Now this is my point of view about this topic, which is based on the above question (you may ask how later but just think about it ).

My views are (which are always open to change) that, i think (not believe), religion was created to offer an assurance to insecure people that there is more to life than the current life they have (in other words an after life or being reborn into a new life etc); and as a way of guiding people to follow the laws of the land. However, along the way (through translations of holy text or whatever the reasons), people started taking the guidelines of the religion as rules, facts or in other words BELIEFS.

When people start to believe in things, they are 100% right and everyone else is wrong (just look at this big flame war to see this). Over the years this has created so many "holy wars", deaths, terrorists even; that i feel people who believe 100% in their religion have given religions a bad name; and so it should i think for making people to believe that their religion is the only true religion.

In essence the ideals of religion are great, for example thou shall not kill, steal, be good to other people etc. It's how its been executed thats bad, you MUST pray or go to hell, you Must not kill or go to hell etc.

This is where ideas are better than beliefs in my opinion. For example if you took the idea that the Earth was flat if you later found out that that idea was wrong you could change easily with relatively no hassle; where as with beliefs its harder to change because you fully believe it, therefore have a closed mind on the subject (and at the time when this happened it probably caused a lot of unnecessary arguments because of this). The same holds true for religion it would have been better to say “you should pray to focus your mind, but you don't have to” instead of saying “you MUST pray”.

As you may have guessed i don't believe in any religion, but i like the ideals of religions and thats what i base my principles on. I take the best ideas of other people, literature and my own mind and continually build on my own ideals and principles. This is why i like to think i'm a competent coder, i take what works and what doesn't and expand my knowledge, so the next time i come across a problem i know how to fix better, or make it more efficient.

Just one final thing, anyone who reads what i typed just think about what i said, i'm not saying that religion is bad (in many cases it can be good), just that people who follow it strictly with closed minds are bad.

Whoooeeeeeee! I'm glad i got that off my chest so to speak.
Thanks for reading and keep up the dicussion, but listen to other points of view.

Ian T
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Posted: 12th Jul 2004 08:04
But the foolish assumption so many humanists, athiests and agnostics make is that only religion causes death-by-zeal. You know why millions of Jews were gassed? Science. Hitler said they were evolutionarily inferior. Belief, IE religion, as Froogle puts it above, is not only theism. Everyone has a religion, whether it is some scientific doctrine they follow or some holy word. And most people have it in them to kill over their religion. Science as much as theism.

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Posted: 12th Jul 2004 08:24 Edited at: 12th Jul 2004 08:25

you make some interesting points

Quote: "You know why millions of Jews were gassed? Science. Hitler said they were evolutionarily inferior"

I disagree with this, science was not the cause of the Jews deaths, rather it was used as a tool by Hitler to kill them, for whatever reasons he had.

Quote: "Everyone has a religion"

Yes your exactly right, altough i would not call it religion, more like deep rooted ideas and beliefs - which most of the time become facts to the person in question so they are able to....

Quote: "And most people have it in them to kill over their religion. "

.....which if they had more of an open mind and could accept that other people have different religions/ideas/beliefs could be avoided.

Ian T
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Posted: 12th Jul 2004 08:26
I didn't say science was the cause. I very clearly said that their use of science was the cause. Just as religion is not the cause of the aforementioned death, but the use of it is. It is every bit as possible to keep an open mind while having faith in a god or a religion as it is to keep an open mind while believing in modern sicentific theory... but either can be abused.

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Posted: 12th Jul 2004 08:35
Quote: "Make sure you understand the tenents of a faith before you criticize them."

Criticizing faith? I wasn't criticizing faith. I was just arguing that to have faith does not mean that you don't have free will (see Rich's post). Your statement:

Quote: "According to christianity you are givin the choice between living your life on earth however you please and spending eternity without god or living your life by its set of guidelines and spending eternity with god."

agrees with my statement. Therefore, we agree.

Quote: "someone else already said it better."

Thank you. Haha, just kidding, you probably weren't talking about me....

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Posted: 12th Jul 2004 08:39 Edited at: 12th Jul 2004 08:40
Quote: "I didn't say science was the cause. I very clearly said that their use of science was the cause. "

I have to say that you did not clearly say that "their use of science was the cause" as i misinterpreted this

Quote: "You know why millions of Jews were gassed? Science."

Now i don't want to start any wars between you and me LOL, so lets just say it was misinterpretation on both sides

Quote: "It is every bit as possible to keep an open mind while having faith in a god or a religion as it is to keep an open mind while believing in modern sicentific theory... but either can be abused."

I agree with that, a happy ending after all amen

Richard Davey
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Posted: 12th Jul 2004 08:40
Quote: "You left out faith, and I presume I know why (correct me if I'm wrong): because of your own faith. It seems to me that you're saying everyone is hiding behind beliefs, logic, and credibility, but you fail to mention those who have any sort of faith because, I don't know, perhaps you feel that they don't fall into the category?"

You mean I left out the fact that people hide behind "faith"? I probably did because "faith" can mean so many different things to so many different people. I believe that everyone should have faith in themselves (but many don't).

Quote: "Basic psychology, really. Our beliefs often branch from the beliefs our ancestors, but may be altered because of mob mentality or - dare I say it - logic."

Absolutely, we're all bloody Lemmings really Imagine a scenerio like this: A child is born into the depths of a jungle, not a human in sight. For some reason they are able to remain alive (this is hypothetical) and fend for themselves without following any one particular type of animal (i.e. they don't grow up thinking they are a monkey or a lion). They grow older and reach the same age as you, having never met another human being, only animals. How would they act? Would they know what fear or happiness was? Would they believe the sun was an almighty powerful being and worship it? Or would they simply just exist in their environment, doing what they know? I often wonder how much of the "fear" that we all have is born from the millions of images and sounds pumped into our minds from the likes of TV, film, media, books, etc. There must be some kind of instinctive fear inside all of us, it's a defense mechanism after all, but so much of it is probably utterly irrational drawn from and enhanced by images inserted into our brains. And fear of change and fear of something different often leads to war, "religious" or otherwise (of course then there is simply the wars fought over money, because humans are greedy, but that's another issue!)

Quote: "I'm sorry, either I'm misinterpreting that comment or it just isn't making sense to me. What faith are you referring to?
According to Christianity, we must have faith in God. God also gave us free will. That's sort of contradictory to your statement."

My comment in full was simply: Person X believes in nothing, Person Z believes in a God. Person X can (and often does) claim that Person Z is taking the easy option out by blaming and offloading everything on their God, not taking responsability for themselves, i.e. they have no "free will" because it is dictated by books and teachings. So therefore Person Z, depending on the location and number of other Z's around them, can often be persecuted for their faith. In the society in which I live Person X is the more common type you'll bump into in the street. Of course it's an opinion - but it's a logical one, that it takes more willpower to sustain a belief in something, than to believe in nothing at all. In this country at least this is true - in another, it may be the opposite.

Quote: "I suppose now I'm supposed to fight back with my "emotions are merely chemical reactions" arguement."

Well, they are chemical reactions But they are reactions and chemicals you control.

The human mind is a fascinating thing - so truly powerful and yet so flawed.

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Richard Davey
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Posted: 12th Jul 2004 08:44
Quote: "I disagree with this, science was not the cause of the Jews deaths, rather it was used as a tool by Hitler to kill them, for whatever reasons he had."

That isn't what Mouse meant. The evolution part was the science, not the chemical compound of gas, and he's right. Of course there is the fact that Hitler was a nutter, but hey - that never stopped most megalomanics!

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Posted: 12th Jul 2004 08:46 Edited at: 12th Jul 2004 08:48
I've noticed a lot of people believe that it is arogant to think that anyone has the one true belief system. I was thinking a lot about this and I've realized that this supposedly "open-minded" attitude is really the worst of all. Going by a "find your own truth" mentality is really flawed. What is so wrong with it? Well, it implies that human beliefs shape reality. What could be more arrogant than that?

A few hundred years ago everyone thought the world was flat. That wasn't their personal truth, they were just plain wrong. History is another good example of absolute truth. It doesn't matter what people think happened, that doesn't make it true. The atoms and molecules of whatever history you are talking about were in a certain place at a certain time and doing a certain thing. Maybe no one knows for sure what that was, but there is only one truth in that case. There are absolutes, but for some reason we have gotten the idea that it is arrogant to make this claim, when in fact the greatest self agrandizement of all is saying that human minds are so great that we shape reality.

<edit> @ HZence, sorry I guess I misread you there. A lot of complicated discussions going on here

Ian T
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Posted: 12th Jul 2004 11:31
Kain-> You raise an interesting point. While I don't think it's wrong for anyone to find their own truth, I do think it is wrong that so many people seem to believe there are no abolutes in the world, and that anyone thinks there are is a bigot or a 'conservative nut'. Not so; examples being as you've already posted. It's unfortunate people think so little about important things like that these days.

Rich, (although again I agree with just about all of what you're saying) I disagree with you on the matter of humans being as evil and violent as you seem to put it. That's only one way of looking at it.

(I just wrote five paragraphs and decided they were junk and scrapped them. Let's try this.)

As much as humans are capable of greater evil, we are also capable of greater love. Some would say that we are the only creatures who wantonly destroy the world around us.

But are we not also the only creatures who go out of our way to repair the damage we have done? While no other creature destroys as much as us, I haven't seen other predators creating wildlife preserves or sparing endagered species. We may destroy more than we heal, but we, as individuals, have the potential to do more of either. We have greater intelligence-- greater power-- greater hate and greater love. Perhaps we're doomed to destroy the world around us-- and perhaps not. We may be the only beasts who have hate and malice and spite, but we're also the only creatures on earth who exhibit the anomoly of true selflessness. Our situation is far from hopeless.

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Posted: 12th Jul 2004 11:33
Alhtough I believe in different things then other people here, let me make this clear. I HATE NO ONE!!! I just can't hate another person. I can dislike, but I do not wish harsh things (such as physical pain or death) on anyone. Even if someone wishes it on me.

Just wanted to get that out.

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Posted: 12th Jul 2004 11:35
Would that make you a pacifict? I mean, just a theoretical question, and I'm sorry if this is a bit harsh, but-- could you kill someone evil to protect the ones you love? Would you?

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Posted: 12th Jul 2004 11:38 Edited at: 12th Jul 2004 11:38
@Mouse : Whoa... *reading your other thread over and over in awe*.... Whoa....

I don't know what to say....... Whoa

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Posted: 12th Jul 2004 11:40
@Mouse(again) : Yes I would, but not out of hate, out of love for my loved ones.

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Posted: 12th Jul 2004 11:41
Well you are a very admirable person then .

(Thank you for the comment on my post.)

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Posted: 12th Jul 2004 11:58
No, I didn't, and if you read the post carefuly you'll see that's what I was talking about .

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Posted: 12th Jul 2004 11:58
Not only that, but if he were to actually KILL someone that would be held against him and put him away or git him the ol death penalty for pre-meditated murder.

Manticore, let me just say that God loves you and always will. Heck, Mouse loves you too.

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Posted: 12th Jul 2004 12:26
If we could rid the world of religion completely, I bet there'd be less wars. Or least maybe in the past. And on another topic here, evolution is right, and creation is a myth. I had a final that was a paper based on the subject, so I've done my research. Both can make good points supporting themselves, but evolution is my belief. The ironic part; both are based upon faith.

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Posted: 12th Jul 2004 12:30
Quote: "If we could rid the world of religion completely, I bet there'd be less wars."

No no no, if everyone all believed in the same thing there would be no wars. Because if no one believed in anything there would be no purpose in life.

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Posted: 12th Jul 2004 12:33
Quote: "If we could rid the world of religion completely, I bet there'd be less wars."

Read the posts by myself and Rich above that already cover why that's both incorrect and impossible.

Quote: "And on another topic here, evolution is right, and creation is a myth. I had a final that was a paper based on the subject, so I've done my research."

final papers don't make you right. I took a college course in biology last year and I believe quite strongly in creation and that evolution is an incorrect, antiquated theory; Kain, apparently soon to be a biochemist, agrees.

Quote: "Both can make good points supporting themselves, but evolution is my belief. The ironic part; both are based upon faith."

Creation has far stronger evidence in my opinion. But that's really a tangent to what people are talking about.

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Posted: 12th Jul 2004 12:34
So you're saying that the only reason to live is to serve your god so that you may be blessed upon death? Sorry, but that's BS. God is nothing more than a mythical being created to explain everything that man could not. And I didn't say believe in nothing, just get rid of religion. Look at all the wars in history and killings, all in the name of their god!

Quote: "could you kill someone evil to protect the ones you love? Would you?

Hell yeah I would. Trying to kill my family? F*ck em!

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Ian T
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Posted: 12th Jul 2004 12:38
You'd seriously better cut it out with the personal attacks, Phaelex. And if you want to get a point across, state evidence, don't just say "I'm right and you're wrong and so there"-- that is foolishness.

Again, read my previous posts. I'm not reposting all I said about religion, except to make this clear: Everyone has a religion. Religion does not kill, but people kill in the name of religion. Non-'religious' people chose to kill in the name of something else... usually science. Want evidence, read above.

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Posted: 12th Jul 2004 12:38
@Phaelax : You're not going to take my faith away, forget it. Nothing you say will change me. Just let us believe what we want and you believe what you want. If you think creation is idiotic, think about evolution for a second, their pretty much equal on the unrealistic side don't you think.

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Posted: 12th Jul 2004 12:59 Edited at: 12th Jul 2004 13:02
Quote: "state evidence"

Ok, prove to me there's a god. Oh, you can't? What no evidence? Too bad.

Quote: "
Belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded as creator and governor of the universe

So to your statement about everyone having a religion, I don't have one.

Quote: "but people kill in the name of religion"

That's what I was trying to say. I'm not trying to take away anyone's beliefs. I was merely stating that without different religions, numerous lives may have been spared throughout history.

Quote: "So you're saying that the only reason to live is to serve your god so that you may be blessed upon death? Sorry, but that's BS"

Sorry if that one came off as sounding like a personal attack. Im just saying that's no way to live your life. And ppl can have other reasons for living, other than that.

Quote: "Non-'religious' people chose to kill in the name of something else... usually science"

Well duh. No one kills for no reason.(except maybe the Iceman) I just said I'd kill in the name of protection. That's not exactly science. But what about all these ppl that have murdered someone because their god told them to? My question is, would they still have killed those ppl if they didn't believe in a god?

Oh and what I said about creation and evolution both existing purely on faith; creation has you believe there's a god and has always been a god. Can't be proved, so its faith. However, evolution has you believe that energy and matter have always existed. It can't be proven either, therefore it too is based upon faith.

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Posted: 12th Jul 2004 13:03
Quote: "Well that's the problem with modern teenagers see. Raised by an era of assbackwards media and with parents who more often than not don't care what they watch, who they talk to or what they do, they cultivate a blind He-Man facade of complete disrespect for life-- which has, in many tragic incidents, overcome both common sense and emotion. It's stupid, really, stupid and blind and... stupid."

@Mouse: I was talking about this part of your post.
Quote: "usually science"
Name one war about science. You need to take history class over, my freind.

Quote: "Creation has far stronger evidence in my opinion"
The thing about freedom of speach is that it's better to keep that kinda stuff to yourself.

Quote: "Nothing you say will change me."
Me too! Some nut at camp was acctually holding MANDATORY bible thing. And he acctualy made EVERY aetheist stay and get converted, I told him to "SHOVE THAT BORING BOOK UP HIS HAIRY A$$!!!".

Quote: "Read the posts by myself and Rich above that already cover why that's both incorrect and impossible."
um.. you don't need a PhD to figure out that he's right. Let me educate you: People fight because they disagree. If one person has grown up thinking something it becomes a FACT to them. An other person grew up beliving something else. They disagree(that's an understatement) so they fight.(if you don't get it try sounding it out.)

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Posted: 12th Jul 2004 13:05
Want to know what's BS? Stuff littered in the prairies of Nebraska.

I think the most important thing in all this pointless discussion is that you DO believe in SOMETHING and that you hold on to it. Strong belief in stupidity is better than bouncing around going "Meh, I dunno, maybe i'm atheist today, but tomorrow I will be budhist." This is all just a big laugh to me, because I know what I believe and I'm going to believe it forever. Nothing you guys can say can change that and nothing I can say can change you. Oh well, we'll all see in the end

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Posted: 12th Jul 2004 13:10
Quote: " "Creation has far stronger evidence in my opinion""

Personally, I think that they have equal evidence. Things can be said to stretch certain facts to make them sound more supporting of one belief over another.

I have a question though. From my experience, and what others have also told me, christians have the most boring ceramonies. At church, they all seem like its a job to come. I hear about how others "rejoice", and it sounds like they're having fun.(as what I think you should feel about your beliefs) So how does your church, temple, etc.. feel?

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Posted: 12th Jul 2004 13:11
Quote: "we'll all see in the end "

If that's your belief.

But anyway, well said Jimmy.

"eureka" - Archimedes
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Posted: 12th Jul 2004 14:05
If all those people hadn't been killed because of others' religions the world would be so over populated now that the human race would probably be extinct as well as many other species. Death of some means life for others. There would be no life without death at the rate the human race is reproducing. IMO

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Posted: 12th Jul 2004 14:18
@Blazer: YesI think you read up on my religion...
@Raven: Disproving the bible:

Matt 12:40: "For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth." Please note it says THREE DAYS AND THREE NIGHTS (the same as in Jonah 1:17 which it refers to). Yet ALL FOUR GOSPELS report that Jesus died on Friday evening and was resurrected on Sunday morning (at or before dawn, some more contradictions on this point), which would only allow less than 36 hours, not three days AND three nights.

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Posted: 12th Jul 2004 14:51
@ Tomy:
Please don't associate the inquisition with the name of Christ.
No Christians worth their salt would do such things, because
they know their Lord came to save people, not destroy lives.
In other words, what you see in the inquisition is not Christ,
but men following their own imaginations.

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Posted: 12th Jul 2004 14:51
Kain I know what you ment... but to put it more simply.
What makes an Orange and Orange? or What makes it different from an Apple?
When it comes down to it, DNA is basically just nature's ASM for controlling molecules.

As such what makes an Apple different from an Orange is a 'mutation' in that DNA. The question isn't as much 'How does a Cell Spontaneously appear?' but more... 'How does the DNA form which tells it to create itself in that given pattern?'

There appears to be a missing link in the chain between Chaotic systems (such as a gas cloud being pulled together by a dense gravity field) so pure chemical reactions; and sequences and ordered DNA objects. When does the chemical chaos reaction make way for the ordered genetical reaction?

that really more something you probably want to focus on more, no?
we can prove dna, we know it exists. just not why or how.

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Posted: 12th Jul 2004 15:02 Edited at: 12th Jul 2004 15:05
The argument on religion/the secret of life, is endless, no one will ever be victorious, there will always be opposing beliefs, so we should just accept each other and hang tight for the ride(life).

<Edit>We can't really accuse each other of being wrong because we don't know ourselves. We weren't there when the world was created.

I'm Cristian, you pick your believe and I won't critisize you no matter what you pick. Even if it is the complete opposite of mine (such as Satanism)

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Posted: 12th Jul 2004 15:13 Edited at: 12th Jul 2004 15:15
@Guhill the Anti Hate:

@Raven: Sorry to get off topic, but cool Sig

@All: Just a lil explanation of what I meant by Blazer may have studied my religion:
It states that we cannot deny our use of magick if we have ever done so (and it worked) or else we will lose all we have earned.

EDIT: Forgot to put in the part after the ")"

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Posted: 12th Jul 2004 15:25
@Manticore Night: 0.0...*celebrates=P*
@Mouse: Oh, you are right. Sorry, I heard from a friend that they do. Sorry to any Wiccans I may have offended.

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Posted: 12th Jul 2004 15:49
What are your opinions of church and state? "In God we Trust" on US money? The Pledge of Allegiance?

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Dave J
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Posted: 12th Jul 2004 16:05
Quote: "Newtons Laws of Motion (3rd Law Gravity) is right 99.9% of the time."

Uhh... Newton's Third Law of Motion was that "Every action as an equal and opposite reaction", which basically means if I push against a wall, the wall is pushing back against me. That has absolutely nothing to do with gravity. o_O

Also, there are a LOT of exceptions to Newton's laws, for everyday life they may be correct but Einstein's theory of Relativity points out huge problems with Newton's theories.

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Posted: 12th Jul 2004 16:26
well, some people support taking out "In God We Trust" from pennies and "On nation, under God" from the Pledge of Allegiance, but I frankly don't care. However, there is a Sepperation of Church and State, which I think should get "In God We Trust" and "Under God" removed. It's not that I'm offended, it's just that I believe that they should take that law into full consideration. Do I think it will try to force religion on Aethists? Not at all.

Please don't take that offensivelyI just happen to side with having that removed because of that law.

If there wasn't that law, I wouldn't care whatsoever

Please don't judge me by that decision

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Posted: 12th Jul 2004 17:24
Hmmm... long thread. This always happens on TGC.

Me personally, I believe in no god. I believe in living a full, happy, enjoyable life. I have my own morals on what is the good and right thing to do, and even those morals can change depending on the situation.

I don't really have a belief on how everything was created, I'm not really looking for an answer to that question. I don't have that void in my life. Normally I'm scientific, but for this topic I have no opinion. To me 'evolution' and the 'big bang' sound just as ludicrous as god creating all and the world only being 6000 years old.

I don't really have a problem with who are religious either. My only big gripe is with the hardcore Christians, or at least the particular ones I've met. They always seem to be forcing their beliefs upon you, which really bothers me.

I almost feel as if religion is killing this world, as in our own creation of our beliefs are the beliefs that are destroying our world. How many wars have been fought for religion. How many people have been murdered simply because they believe certain things.

I've never been to church, or at least to a church that I'm a participating member of. I just never grew up with Christian beliefs. I go by the beliefs that were instilled in me as a child.

My opinions, my beliefs, no targetting at anyone.

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Richard Davey
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Posted: 12th Jul 2004 18:32
Quote: "when in fact the greatest self agrandizement of all is saying that human minds are so great that we shape reality."

Of course they do - because reality to most people is what is in your head. It's not molecules or atoms, it is what you see when you look at something - your own personal reality. So to say we hold control over that in our minds isn't being arrogant, it's just acknowledging what goes on in that grey matter of ours.

Take a mentally handicapped person (like my cousin) - he is almost 40 and yet in his mind he's only 6 years old. He truly firmly believes this and his mind is creating that reality around him, he lives it every day. It's an slight extreme I agree, but to say that our mind isn't capable of shaping our reality isn't true. I don't believe you can alter another persons or a physical reality with just your mind alone (i.e. bend the spoon!) but that isn't what this is about.

Quote: "Mouse: But are we not also the only creatures who go out of our way to repair the damage we have done? While no other creature destroys as much as us, I haven't seen other predators creating wildlife preserves or sparing endagered species."

Very true, but in nature there is balance - all we're trying to do is restore that balance they originally had that we messed-up. If a predator kills the very last of species A to feed its family, is that such a terrible thing? In the thousands of years that animals walked the earth no one species has ever massively dominated the other. Had they been given the chance would this have continued? Who knows.. but it's highly likely

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Posted: 12th Jul 2004 18:48
Quote: "My religion is growing! Soon we shall over throw TCA in taking over the world."

Piffle! My army of furry herbivores will help me in my quest...

Are you sensitive enough?
Richard Davey
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Posted: 12th Jul 2004 18:49
I've deleted loads of pointless childish posts from this thread, so if you're wondering where "it" went - that is where. Keep it on-topic and civil if you want to participate.

Quote: "I don't really have a problem with who are religious either. My only big gripe is with the hardcore Christians, or at least the particular ones I've met. They always seem to be forcing their beliefs upon you, which really bothers me."

I agree with your post almost completely - the problem with the above is that it is part of their belief to enforce their beliefs on you, so they're only doing what they believe is right. It always feels like a full-pressure car salesman pitch to me and often I don't have time for it and it annoys me, but they're only do it because they believe they ought to be.

Talking about how many wars were caused by religion - I do wonder if you looked carefully, how many wars are simply just down to greed and country expansion, but hidden under the "relgion" banner? Actual true religious wars with no other pre-text are probably quite far and few between. I have no facts to back this up, but if you think about it carefully it does make sense. I mean all the Roman wars, the Greek wars (and anything before) were all about greed. The 2 World Wars started over greed and expansion. Vietnam was over politics, the Gulf War despite what anyone says was over money at the end of the day. All of the battles between the Native Americans and those invading - again its greed. North vs. South, it's a land/politics thing. That doesn't leave too many significant battles that can be attributed to religion alone. Even the Crusades were about land-grabbing in the most part!

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Posted: 12th Jul 2004 19:28
I see what you mean by a "religious banner".

Quote: "Piffle! My army of furry herbivores will help me in my quest..."

Don't make me call out the llamas!

"eureka" - Archimedes
Jess T
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Posted: 12th Jul 2004 19:48
My beliefs of anything and everything is that it's just the way it is, you can't prove something that isn't there, and likewise, you can't prove that something isn't there ( In relation to God etc ).

I'm Athiest, I don't beleive in God, Heaven or Hell etc.

I also do not believe in the "Laws of the Universe", IMO, All science is relative to the people that made it up.
Sure, the "equations" and "laws" work for our limited experiments, but if you could actually control what was happening, and properly measure what is going on etc, then I say that it'd all break-down, and then scientists would have to come up with some other bull theory ( such as Special Relativety or Quantum Physics etc ).

I haven't read this thread all the way ( got bored when the flame war stared at the start ), but I was given a quote that Rich said about how Lord Ozzum here cast a spell, which, in the real world did not happen, but in his mind, it took place, and the results became apparent to him.
I agree with what is said there.
The mind is a powerfull thing. We may think that we have done something extremely good, which others think didn't happen, but then we subconciously alter the world around us, and slowly it comes true to everyone else, where as it was true the original person all along.

Anyone follow?

Anyway, to sum it up;
I am Athiest, I don't believe in the Science either, and I *know* that the power of the mind is an awesome thing. So many things can be done and acheived if only you could use your mind to see the world in a different way.


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Posted: 12th Jul 2004 21:08
JessTicular, I'm like you, but I believe in science. Not these piss-poor approximations that classical science is based on, but in quantum theory and atomic physics, which is all theory based and is really hard to prove anything, but thats what religion is anyways.

Quote: "Piffle! My army of furry herbivores will help me in my quest..."

Ah, they will be a good match of my clone army of Canadian Mounties (Made with Swedish Cloning Cylinders, which are like Sparti Cloning Cylinders)

Manticore Night
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Posted: 12th Jul 2004 21:59 Edited at: 12th Jul 2004 22:03
Quote: "I've deleted loads of pointless childish posts from this thread, so if you're wondering where "it" went - that is where. Keep it on-topic and civil if you want to participate."
Just because it's sarcastic doesn't mean it doesn't have meaning, I DO think that we're all stupid and that noone is right(and that Rich's posts are too long(please don't hurt me)).

@Ozzum:0.0...(If I misunderstood and that meant something else, I sincerly apologize)

It's amazing how much TV has raised us. (Bart Simpson)
Shadow Robert
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Posted: 12th Jul 2004 22:09 Edited at: 12th Jul 2004 22:10
Quote: "@Raven: Disproving the bible:

Matt 12:40: "For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth." Please note it says THREE DAYS AND THREE NIGHTS (the same as in Jonah 1:17 which it refers to). Yet ALL FOUR GOSPELS report that Jesus died on Friday evening and was resurrected on Sunday morning (at or before dawn, some more contradictions on this point), which would only allow less than 36 hours, not three days AND three nights."

Quote: "
1 The word of the LORD came to Jonah the son of Amittai saying,2"Arise, go to Nineveh the great city and cry against it, for their wickedness has come up before Me."3But Jonah rose up to flee to Tarshish from the presence of the LORD. So he went down to Joppa, found a ship which was going to Tarshish, paid the fare and went down into it to go with them to Tarshish from the presence of the LORD.4The LORD hurled a great wind on the sea and there was a great storm on the sea so that the ship was about to break up.5Then the sailors became afraid and every man cried to his god, and they threw the cargo which was in the ship into the sea to lighten it for them. But Jonah had gone below into the hold of the ship, lain down and fallen sound asleep.6So the captain approached him and said, "How is it that you are sleeping? Get up, call on your god. Perhaps your god will be concerned about us so that we will not perish."7Each man said to his mate, "Come, let us cast lots so we may learn on whose account this calamity has struck us." So they cast lots and the lot fell on Jonah.8Then they said to him, "Tell us, now! On whose account has this calamity struck us? What is your occupation? And where do you come from? What is your country? From what people are you?"9He said to them, "I am a Hebrew, and I fear the LORD God of heaven who made the sea and the dry land."10Then the men became extremely frightened and they said to him, "How could you do this?" For the men knew that he was fleeing from the presence of the LORD, because he had told them.11So they said to him, "What should we do to you that the sea may become calm for us?"--for the sea was becoming increasingly stormy.12He said to them, "Pick me up and throw me into the sea. Then the sea will become calm for you, for I know that on account of me this great storm has come upon you."13However, the men rowed desperately to return to land but they could not, for the sea was becoming even stormier against them.14Then they called on the LORD and said, "We earnestly pray, O LORD, do not let us perish on account of this man's life and do not put innocent blood on us; for You, O LORD, have done as You have pleased."15So they picked up Jonah, threw him into the sea, and the sea stopped its raging.16Then the men feared the LORD greatly, and they offered a sacrifice to the LORD and made vows.17And the LORD appointed a great fish to swallow Jonah, and Jonah was in the stomach of the fish three days and three nights.

Jonah 2:1
1 Then Jonah prayed to the LORD his God from the stomach of the fish,2and he said, "I called out of my distress to the LORD,
And He answered me.
I cried for help from the depth of Sheol;
You heard my voice.
3"For You had cast me into the deep,
Into the heart of the seas,
And the current engulfed me.
All Your breakers and billows passed over me.
4"So I said, 'I have been expelled from Your sight.
Nevertheless I will look again toward Your holy temple.'
5"Water encompassed me to the point of death.
The great deep engulfed me,
Weeds were wrapped around my head.
6"I descended to the roots of the mountains.
The earth with its bars was around me forever,
But You have brought up my life from the pit, O LORD my God.
7"While I was fainting away,
I remembered the LORD,
And my prayer came to You,
Into Your holy temple.
8"Those who regard vain idols
Forsake their faithfulness,
9But I will sacrifice to You
With the voice of thanksgiving.
That which I have vowed I will pay.
Salvation is from the LORD."
10Then the LORD commanded the fish, and it vomited Jonah up onto the dry land.

Jonah 3:1
1 Now the word of the LORD came to Jonah the second time, saying,2"Arise, go to Nineveh the great city and proclaim to it the proclamation which I am going to tell you."3So Jonah arose and went to Nineveh according to the word of the LORD. Now Nineveh was an exceedingly great city, a three days' walk.4Then Jonah began to go through the city one day's walk; and he cried out and said, "Yet forty days and Nineveh will be overthrown."5Then the people of Nineveh believed in God; and they called a fast and put on sackcloth from the greatest to the least of them.6When the word reached the king of Nineveh, he arose from his throne, laid aside his robe from him, covered himself with sackcloth and sat on the ashes.7He issued a proclamation and it said, "In Nineveh by the decree of the king and his nobles: Do not let man, beast, herd, or flock taste a thing. Do not let them eat or drink water.8"But both man and beast must be covered with sackcloth; and let men call on God earnestly that each may turn from his wicked way and from the violence which is in his hands.9"Who knows, God may turn and relent and withdraw His burning anger so that we will not perish."10When God saw their deeds, that they turned from their wicked way, then God relented concerning the calamity which He had declared He would bring upon them. And He did not do it.

New American Translation// This happens to actually be the ONLY translation that has 17 paragraphs

this is the original
Quote: "
Jonah 1:15
.åôòæî íéä ãîòéå íéä-ìà åäìèéå äðåé-úà åàùéå

Jonah 1:16
äåäé-úà äìåãâ äàøé íéùðàä åàøééå
.íéøãð åøãéå äåäéì çáæ-åçáæéå

(you'll need to set your browser to Hewbrew Encoding - Windows)

Incase you can't read it,
"A Sacrifice must be made for Jehova's wrath.
Jehova bid the fish to swollow Jonah for until 3 morning suns had risen."

The translators take a large liberty when they do what they do sometimes, hense why I always say a Translation isn't work spit unless you understand the original meanings.
For one... ZERO mention of the 'Son of Man'... for 2 this clearly states only 3 mornings should pass not 3 nights as well. Although you could probably take that out of context to mean 3 days. (hense a night and morning)

I don't know anything about the Santaists and quite frankly I choose not to, for the role in which they play.
Anti-God does not make you Atheist, you have to believe something is real to be against it; you can't hate something that doesn't exist. (that just stupid)
Secondly it is all about rebelling; again why Lucifarians don't like you because of the differences between you. Quite frankly, how can you follow the teachings of a being that was created just to be evil and cause torment to any soul it can posess?

You read the bible deeply enough you'll realise that something quite profound. What that i'll leave in your hands, if your ready to understand it that's upto you... I don't believe i've really ever met anyone who has understood and wanted to accept certain things in the Biblical tale.

Shadow Robert
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Posted: 12th Jul 2004 22:12
Quote: "Piffle! My army of furry herbivores will help me in my quest..."

Didn't think the GM Furbies were ready for a field test yet?!

Ian T
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Posted: 13th Jul 2004 00:23
Quote: " Name one war about science. You need to take history class over, my freind. "

As I already stated, the reason given for millions of jews gassed was evolution. Looks like you haven't studied history . People kill, torture, and do horrible things in the name of anything they want. Religion is an excuse, not the cause. If evil people didn't have their gods to use as an excuse they would use something else. Saying that it's religion, faith in a deity, that causes death is foolishness.

And furthermore, saying "If everyone was one type of Christian there would be no wars" is just as true as saying "If everyone was athiest there would be no wars"... but since it's you athiests who supposedly preach freewill, it's wonderfuly ironic that it's the theists who aren't attacking people over their beliefs.

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Posted: 13th Jul 2004 00:27
Quote: "Didn't think the GM Furbies were ready for a field test yet?!"

These are deadly animals - masters of the one art of nibbling...

Are you sensitive enough?

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