Oh, man. For the first time in the entire development of Weapon Creator, I am totaly mystafied. I thought a had down the animation system, and I mostly do, but then I saw one setting in the minigun's gunspec that sucked my took away.
;HUD animation frames list
keyframe ratio = 1
select = 0,9
Idle = 10,38
Move = 39,53
Start fire = 54,69
automatic fire = 70,75
[b]Spin = 76,81[/b]
end fire = 82,93
reload = 94,111
cock = 112,119
putaway = 120,130
To the best of my knowladge, all the guns use the same anim names. So, I thought that internal engine code handled the animation. But, I might be wrong. After seeing this, I'm wondering if there may be some kind of Script file, besides the gunspec and FPE, that dictates how the weapon works. It may very well be just hopped over by the ScriptParser, like a comment. When I saw that line, I was breathing heavy, my heart was pounding, It was almost scary. If
anybody at all know
anything about this, please post it here.
"I don't bite her, i just slobber on her" "I remember things as well as a retarded goldfish, who just swam through the chicago river"