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Program Announcements / Indigo - A DBPro IDE Alternative

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Posted: 6th Mar 2011 19:53

Thank you very much for the report. I can not seem to duplicate the border situation with the Help window that you have shown. It may be because I am using v1.2.0.

I will the 'Word Wrap' option to the suggestion list.


v1.2.0 Beta has been uploaded.

Change log:
+ New Project - Creating a new project new asks for the Project location and name. As well as askes for the main include file.
+ Find / Replace - Created a new dialog window for Searching.
+ Keystate - Added new hotkey combo,[Ctrl+Alt+K], to only insert the keystate (or scancode) code.
+ Keywords - Keywords are reloaded when the default install location for Dark BASIC Pro is changed.
+ Selecting Floats - When double clicking on floats. The whole float value is selected to include the negative sign if present.
+ Color Scheme - Implementing a new color scheme routine.
+ Compiling - Indigo now allows compile locations that are different then that of the dbpro file.
+ Run from External HD - Many adjustments to allow Indigo to better run from an external hard drive (or flash drive). Also allows for switching between 32 and 64 bit OS.
> Intellisense - Corrected defect that prevented 'Types' from being detected. Improved detection of keywords (and UDTs) when proceeded by a '('.
> Project Loading - Corrected defect when trying to load a project that no longer exists.
> Include Removal - Corrected defect when removing an include.
> Misc - Improved backend process for detecting source changes (primarily used for searching).

You can get latest download on the Indigo Site.


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Posted: 6th Mar 2011 20:15

please take a look at the attached pick
your will see the problem

If a thought is Just a thought ~ so whats the main thought ?


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Posted: 6th Mar 2011 20:19

That's a new one.

Are you on English Windows are some other region?


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Posted: 6th Mar 2011 20:34
Balid my windows is set as usa english

but I am in Canada

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Posted: 20th Mar 2011 17:09
v1.2.0 Beta 2 has been uploaded.

Change log:
+ Settings File - Added option to save settings to a file rather than to the registry. Makes it easier to run Indigo from an external hard drive and across multiple computers. This does not contain recently opened projects though.

You can get latest download on the Indigo Site.


Please let me know if you are still having the misalignment problem with the top and bottom of the code window.


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Posted: 20th Mar 2011 17:14
Quote: "Makes it easier to run Indigo from an external hard drive and across multiple computers"

Excellent! I'll give that a try right now

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Posted: 20th Mar 2011 18:20
yes I am still having the misalignment problem

I down loaded what should be the latest copy
not that it says it's "v1.2.0 Beta 2"
just "v1.2.0 Beta "

the last time I installed the beta it affect the non beta one
so i uninstalled the beta and it when back to normal

If a thought is Just a thought ~ so whats the main thought ?
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Posted: 20th Mar 2011 20:10

Just for you , v1.2.0 beta 3 (well anyone can download it). I made some adjustments to the docking control. Hopefully this fixes the issue you are / were having.

I also added a few other things:
for Ermes (and others) - the ability to adjust the tab size
for Indicium - added the option to turn the indent marker on

Indigo Site.


Pixel Paint
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Posted: 20th Mar 2011 20:12 Edited at: 20th Mar 2011 20:13
Hi Balid,

There's a slight problem with variable highlighting; it's not a big deal, but you might want to check it out.

When a global is variable is declared with another command on the same line delimited with a colon, like this:

The variables aren't highlighted.
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Posted: 20th Mar 2011 20:48

sorry still no change
the undock/remove buttons are not even shown

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Posted: 20th Mar 2011 21:18
Pixel Paint,

Thank you. It should be fixed now (or when v1.2.0 beta 4 comes out).


This time do you see Beta 3 in the opening Splash? I have no idea why the start point for the docking control is behind the menu control when I have locked the docking control below the menu. Very strange indeed.


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Posted: 20th Mar 2011 23:37

I know my windows has a big or two in it some ware
it can't be helped ms are dummy's

despite that

some ware between the Version 1.1.2
some thing crept in

I expect to have problems creep in in the games I plan to build
some of which will end up coming to to ms being the problem

ms should be forced to go and fix all windows before
they are legally allowed to make any more

they should stop with the eye candy crap and fix the guts

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Posted: 26th Mar 2011 21:39
v1.2.0 beta 4 has been uploaded.

With a fix for the error pointed out by Pixel Paint and an adjustment to the dock control that will show right for Resourceful.

You can get latest download on the Indigo Site.


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Posted: 31st Mar 2011 06:36
Balid, I've used Indigo before and it was great! But now, after coming back from DarkGDK/C++, I can't get Indigo to work properly. The text editor functionality of it is fine, no complaints. The problem is that I can no longer compile my projects, even though I have the DBPro install path correctly entered into the options menu. The specific error is the ambiguous "Failed to Load DBA". Any idea why this might be happening?

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Posted: 31st Mar 2011 19:21 Edited at: 31st Mar 2011 19:22

There are many posts in the DarkBASIC Professional Discussion thread with others having this same problem and they seem to be connected to anti-virus software running on the local machine.

The error message is coming from the compiler so Indigo knows where it is to call it and in turn knows where to place the needed files.

Are you using the latest version?


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Posted: 31st Mar 2011 19:29
I'm using Indigo 1.2.0 Beta 4, and DBPro U77 RC6. I've already excluded the DBPro install path from 'avast!', and the Indigo home directory is excluded as well.

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Posted: 1st Apr 2011 05:59

Quote: "I've already excluded the DBPro install path from 'avast!', and the Indigo home directory is excluded as well.

How about your project folder? Indigo is creating a temp file there. I will have to re-evaluate this practice.


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Posted: 1st Apr 2011 15:13
Quote: "How about your project folder? Indigo is creating a temp file there. I will have to re-evaluate this practice."

I did that, and it worked! Thanks for the help.

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Posted: 2nd Apr 2011 08:58
Just got around to checking this out. I was searching for a replacement IDE since CodeSurge 2 seems to be taking longer than expected.

First off, on my Win7 64 bit machine, your IDE takes 1:20 to load up. Spends most of the time in "Lexing". Not sure how quick it is for others, but that seemed a bit much.

Once I got in I was really impressed with everything I saw. I like the To-Do list. I usually do all mine inline, e.i. "REM To-Do: This thing" and then search my source for "to-do" to find the areas I need. The built in list makes this a bit easier, although after typing in an item name the "Enter" key doesn't do anything, where I would think it would save that item to the list.

I tried to compile my project and got an error: "Error 7: Source code file is invalid!"

On the right is the Elements which displays all the variables. It doesn't recognize commas however. The following code is treated as a single variable:

global FONT_Georgia16,FONT_Arial8,FONT_Arial10,FONT_Arial12

It also doesn't detect Arial12 in this example:

global FONT_Georgia16,FONT_Arial8,FONT_Arial10 : global FONT_Arial12

I really liked how I could see everywhere in the source that any given variable/function was reference. Would it be too terribly difficult to add a "Rename Variable/Function/Etc" feature? I would like to rename a few of my functions but do not want to have to search and replace every reference to them. The IDE could handle that as well.

Since I cannot get the IDE to compile I will have to use CodeSurge for a bit longer, but I look forward to seeing this further.

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Posted: 3rd Apr 2011 00:42 Edited at: 3rd Apr 2011 00:43

Could you post a screenshot of the error you are getting?

Currently Indigo doesn't detect declaring multiple variable on the same line. I am looking into adjusting that.

Quote: "Would it be too terribly difficult to add a "Rename Variable/Function/Etc" feature? "

Would the find and replace for the whole project work?



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Posted: 3rd Apr 2011 01:05 Edited at: 3rd Apr 2011 01:05

I found the problem with compiling. I am using a precompiler and your IDE doesn't like it. When I remove the precompiler it does compile but throws errors (errors that only occur because the precompiler didn't run)

I think the error being thrown is from the precompiler stating that it cannot find the _Temp.dbsource. My guess is that the working directory isn't the project directory, or something, I am not really sure.


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Posted: 3rd Apr 2011 02:11

Could you try compiling again and upload the Indigo log file?

The working directory should be the project folder. Do you have Anti-Virus software running?

If it's not AV then I'm wondering if it's just a timing issue. What is triggering the precompiler?


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Posted: 3rd Apr 2011 04:25

The precompiler actually replaces DBPCompiler.exe. When the IDE calls DBPCompiler, it loads up the precompiler that then loads up a few of my own personal programs that tweak the source code a bit. After the prcompiler is done, it then sends the source on to the real DBPCompiler. The precompiler works fine with both of the stock DBP Compilers, as well as Codesurge.

I would upload the log file but it is huge. Here is the condensed version:

I tried compiling twice, then I turned off my AV entirely and tried again with the same result.

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Posted: 3rd Apr 2011 04:54 Edited at: 3rd Apr 2011 05:02

Thank you.

Where did you get the precompiler? Do you know what folder it is looking in for the _Temp.dbsource file?

Indigo is creating it in "E:\Dropbox\Game Projects\ThirtyOne New\" which I assume is the project folder.


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Posted: 3rd Apr 2011 06:13 Edited at: 3rd Apr 2011 06:42
I got the precompiler from this thread:

I did not make it so I do not know how it operates entirely. I attached some files to this post in case you want to test it on your machine. Rename your current DBPCompiler to something else, such as DBPCompiler2.exe. Extract the rar to your Compiler folder and modify Settings.cfg to point to whatever you renamed the real compiler to.

The file that Indigo creates, the dbsource file, is in the correct location. The only reason I can think that this error would occur is that when the compiler is called the current directory isn't set right, but if that was true the default compiler would fail as well.

Also, from my log file above:

Is it natural for it to take over a minute to load keywords?

Edit: It was actually the logging of the keywords that took so long. I disabled logging and it loads up super fast.

Lemme know if you have any ideas.


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Posted: 3rd Apr 2011 06:40 Edited at: 3rd Apr 2011 06:41
with windows being as dumb as it is and will continue to be

I've given up on using indego

well trying to use it

it was fine for editing but
I could not compile with it

and anther error showed up not with from indego
but some dumb windows thought with some program

either this is my last post

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Posted: 3rd Apr 2011 08:30 Edited at: 3rd Apr 2011 08:31

Thank you very much. After spending the last two hours on this problem, I think I know the solution.

I've been creating the temp files in the wrong directory. I should have this corrected sometime tomorrow (or today as the case may be).

I've made a few other tweaks as well.


This may even correct the compiling errors you seem to be having as well.


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Posted: 3rd Apr 2011 19:20
Quote: "Thank you very much. After spending the last two hours on this problem, I think I know the solution."

Awesome!! I put all my projects on hold until I heard from you. Even though I only used your editor for a few minutes, I don't think I can go back to an editor that doesn't have a "Right Click->Goto Declaration". That is just way too helpful.

- GIDustin

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Posted: 4th Apr 2011 02:37 Edited at: 4th Apr 2011 02:37
v1.2.0 Beta 5 has been uploaded.

Biggest improvement:
> Indigo now plays nice with precompilers.

There are some other smaller tweaks mostly to improve new features already mentioned.

You can get latest download on the Indigo Site.


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Posted: 4th Apr 2011 03:03

The newest version handles my precompiler just fine, actually it does a little better than Codesurge in that the precompiler runs on top and not in the background.

New error:

I have Matrix and Styx, and so every time I compile I get an error:

The thing is that I have always gotten this error, every time, since the dawn of mankind. The compiler simply states that two "TRIM$" commands were detected and that it will use the Matrix version. Your IDE sees this as a fatal error, when it isn't, and therefore my EXE isn't created.

Thanks for all the help so far!
- GIDustin

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Posted: 4th Apr 2011 04:18

Could you provide a screenshot?

Thank you and regards,

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Posted: 4th Apr 2011 04:23 Edited at: 4th Apr 2011 04:25

Right after I click to dismiss that popup, the same error appears in your "Additional Information" area, and "COMPILER ERROR" appears under the progress bars.

Edit: Even though the compiler ends in an error, it still creates the working EXE using other editors.


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Posted: 4th Apr 2011 05:20 Edited at: 4th Apr 2011 05:22

Thank you.

Quote: "Right after I click to dismiss that popup, the same error appears in your "Additional Information" area, and "COMPILER ERROR" appears under the progress bars."

Indigo waits until the Compiler has completely stopped before showing the error message if there is one. That is why it doesn't show until after you click 'OK' in the message box from the compiler.

The EXE may still may be created but if there is an error Indigo doesn't check. I will into this more tomorrow.


Admiral MH
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Posted: 4th Apr 2011 19:49

Since it does not seem any of the updates fixed the instant crash I posted awhile ago, do you know of any ideas on how to fix it? Since it is crashing at the start of the program, maybe it's not loading something right?

And FYI I don't get the log file, I have also tested it in administrator mode. The Indigo log file should be created in the Indigo program folder right? If it does create it there, I am guessing something goes wrong before the file is created.

And I'll repost my specs in case you need them.

Windows 7 SP1 64 Bit
Indigo V1.2.0
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Posted: 5th Apr 2011 00:10
Admiral MH,

Sorry, but I have no clue as to what is happening. I am also not able to duplicate the error (mostly because I don't Windows 7 64 bit).

Others seem to be able to run Indigo on Win 7 64 bit. May be someone can post what they did to get Indigo to work for them?


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Posted: 5th Apr 2011 01:12
Quote: "Others seem to be able to run Indigo on Win 7 64 bit. May be someone can post what they did to get Indigo to work for them?"

I didn't have to do anything. I used the installer, and then ran the program. I do have UAC turned off. I did not have to add anything to my AV exceptions for the editor, but my projects folder was already an exception.

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Posted: 5th Apr 2011 06:21 Edited at: 10th Apr 2011 03:19

Just as I hoped. The exe is still being made with Indigo as well. But I wasn't doing anything with it if there was an error. This has been corrected.

I've also uploaded the latest version (still listed as v1.2.0 beta 5).


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Posted: 5th Apr 2011 08:26

I am sure you haven't heard the last of me. However, the newest version loaded extremely fast (with logging turned off), loaded my project, played nicely with the precompiler, and even though the compile soft-failed, it still created the exe and ran it. /evilgrin

So far everything works great. Can't wait to get my hands dirty again tomorrow.

- GIDustin

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Posted: 5th Apr 2011 19:34
Quote: "I didn't have to do anything. I used the installer, and then ran the program. I do have UAC turned off. I did not have to add anything to my AV exceptions for the editor, but my projects folder was already an exception."

I tried that and it still does not work.

Guess its something with my computer then.
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Posted: 6th Apr 2011 06:54
Hi Balid-

Latest Beta works well with my Win7 64 bit, although I didn't have much trouble before. I love using this editor, it makes me want to code (all the pretty colors help). Thanks for continuing to support this.

I see a couple of minor issues I'd like to bring to your attention:

First is that my Newton Wrapper help links don't work, I think it is a problem with the use of # to go to certain labels. Putting this in the Help window doesn't work:

It works when I stick it in IE9 address. It doesn't seem to work in the new editor either, which is odd. So I don't know if this is Win7 or something else.

Second is that the "Default" item Colorize does not take effect, it is always black. Not sure if that is intended or not.

And I have a feature request. Could there be two toolbar buttons to indent and unindent a selection of code? I frequently paste code (select/case sections) into other areas of my code, then I have to manually tab them (or delete tabs) to be indented properly in the new function. It would be nice if selected lines could be indented/unindented together with a button click. Textpad does something like this, it is helpful at times.

That's it for now, keep up the good work !!!

A 3D marble platformer using Newton physics.
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Posted: 6th Apr 2011 23:28
Quote: "First is that my Newton Wrapper help links don't work, ... It works when I stick it in IE9 address."

It doesn't work in IE8 for me. So I don't think that this is anything that I will be able to "fix" in the short term. I will check to see if there is an update to the VS web control.

Quote: "Second is that the "Default" item Colorize does not take effect, it is always black."

I thought I had that fixed at one point but then noticed myself that it was always black again. I will look into this more but it will not get addressed for v1.2.0 (may be v1.2.1).

Quote: "Could there be two toolbar buttons to indent and unindent a selection of code?"

I'll add that to the list for v1.2.1. I am also looking at adding a code beautifier, with a few options. Are you not able to select the section of code and press [Tab] or [Shift + Tab] to indent and unindent now? Granted that wouldn't fix any additional spacing that may have already existed.


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Posted: 7th Apr 2011 04:47
I don't want to split the help up into separate html docs... there are 200+ functions I think. Sounds like I may have to.

Quote: "Are you not able to select the section of code and press [Tab] or [Shift + Tab] to indent and unindent now?"

AGH! That is what I was looking for. I didn't realize that could be done with those keys. Sorry for the false alarm. I guess just a button for both would be fine in the toolbar for users like me that don't know what is available.

Code beautifier (indent cleanup, I presume?) would be cool.

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Posted: 9th Apr 2011 13:13
Having just realised that the splash screen said I was using Beta 4, I downloaded the latest version and ran it, but the splash screen still says Beta 4.

Space Fractal
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Posted: 9th Apr 2011 13:59
I just found this nice idé (much better than the official idé as first impressions.

Howover the help section could been somewhere better, since there Is some annoyring "features".

1. navigating to main.htm is missing. No fast way to navigate to that.
2. I find auto flip pages when select a command in ide pretty annoyring. Its can't been disable for some reason? F1 to shown the help for the command should been that to been done (which does works), not auto page (which more annoying me).

Elsewise seen nice ide and does that job done. The above should easy to been fixed to the next beta.
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Posted: 10th Apr 2011 03:28 Edited at: 10th Apr 2011 03:31
Quote: " I downloaded the latest version and ran it, but the splash screen still says Beta 4.

I must have updated the wrong one. Please try now.

Space Fractal,
Quote: "1. navigating to main.htm is missing. No fast way to navigate to that."

There is a quick built-in way in the help file itself.

Quote: "2. I find auto flip pages when select a command in ide pretty annoyring. "

I can add some options around that in v1.2.1.



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Posted: 10th Apr 2011 15:41
The latest download RAR file is corrupt

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Posted: 10th Apr 2011 17:41 Edited at: 10th Apr 2011 18:15
Seems I am having issues with my connectivity. I will have to upload a fresh copy later.

[edit]finally got a copy uploaded that would also download.[/edit]


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Posted: 10th Apr 2011 18:54 Edited at: 10th Apr 2011 19:32
Yes, that one downloads OK, but it doesn't work

Now upon compile I get this error:

[EDIT] I added a 'Temp' folder to my Dark Basic Professional directory and it works now. Odd that I have never had that error before though ...


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Posted: 14th Apr 2011 02:47 Edited at: 14th Apr 2011 02:50
As there are no outstanding defects (major ones anyway) v1.2.0 has been released

Change Log:
+ New Project - Creating a new project new asks for the Project location and name. As well as askes for the main include file.
+ Find / Replace - Created a new dialog window for Searching.
+ Settings File - Added option to save settings to a file rather than to the registry. Makes it easier to run Indigo from an external hard drive and across multiple computers. This does not contain recently opened projects though.
+ Keystate - Added new hotkey combo,[Ctrl+Alt+K], to only insert the keystate (or scancode) code.
+ Keywords - Keywords are reloaded when the default install location for Dark BASIC Pro is changed.
+ Selecting Floats - When double clicking on floats. The whole float value is selected to include the negative sign if present.
+ Color Scheme - Implementing a new color scheme routine.
+ Run from External HD - Many adjustments to allow Indigo to better run from an external hard drive (or flash drive). Also allows for switching between 32 and 64 bit OS.
+ Compiling - Indigo now allows compile locations that are different then that of the dbpro file.
> Compiling - Corrected defect to prevented Indigo from using precompilers the same way the IDE's did.
> Intellisense - Corrected defect that prevented 'Types' from being detected. Improved detection of keywords (and UDTs) when proceeded by a '('.
> Project Loading - Corrected defect when trying to load a project that no longer exists.
> Include Removal - Corrected defect when removing an include.
> Misc - Improved backend process for detecting source changes (primarily used for searching).
> Syntax Highlighting - Improved detection of variables.

You can get latest download on the Indigo Site.

Quote: "[EDIT] I added a 'Temp' folder to my Dark Basic Professional directory and it works now. Odd that I have never had that error before though ..."

Scraggle, this should be addressed now.


Frank C
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Posted: 14th Apr 2011 23:33
Need to either rename the zip file or give the release link, it was still downloading as Beta version.

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