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AppGameKit/AppGameKit Studio Showcase / Aquillanto - 2D Platformer For Mac and PC [RELEASED]

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Posted: 5th Mar 2015 22:02
Some coding tasks take a few minutes and you have lots to show and other times it's all 'under the hood' stuff so hours of coding with no seeming change! Going through another one of those periods where you have to code a tonne before you have anything that does anything!

Looking forward to some visible change!

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Posted: 6th Mar 2015 13:30 Edited at: 6th Mar 2015 13:39
Quote: "Some coding tasks take a few minutes and you have lots to show and other times it's all 'under the hood' stuff so hours of coding with no seeming change! Going through another one of those periods where you have to code a tonne before you have anything that does anything!

I can relate to that.
It's tough sometimes when I get stuck on something I thought would be a snap and it turns out I have to jump hurdles.
Not because of any shortcoming of AppGameKit or anything, just that my ideas that seem simple to me turn out to be more complex when transferring them to code.
Sometimes when our toes hang the top of a hurdle, and we stumble or it falls, we have to just get focused and get back in the race.
Hang in there man, because once you get past the hurdles, it's an open dash to the finish line, and then the celebration!
Then, it's on to the next challenge! (you know you love it)

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Posted: 6th Mar 2015 21:28
After about three evenings of coding I finally have something to see (albeit it with stand-in graphics which look pretty bad!). So I can now add sprites (monsters, swinging platforms etc) to the map and currently assign them one of two very basic behaviors (one just stays where it is placed and one bounced between two points). Not uber impressive but it proves that the system does work. Can't save the work yet, but I'm not concerned with that yet. Longer terms I'm hoping to code some interesting actions that I can assign to the various monsters etc.

The tricky question to answer now bomb-proof do I make the editor? Do I put in thorough checking or rely on my carefulness? It'll take me much longer to code in all the checks and given it's only me who will be using it I'm tempted to put in minimal error checking....It's not end user What do you guys reckon?

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Posted: 9th Mar 2015 09:59
Working on a couple of basic sprite behaviors to test the population editor (which enables me to populate a level with monsters, swinging platforms etc) and realised that parenting won't work without having local and world going back a step to add that in. Ie the sprite behaviour affects the sprite's local coordinates and then the world coordinate is set taking into account any parenting. Still, the new system should allow for unlimited parenting chains. So for example I could have an enemy (sprite 1) holding a spear (sprite 2) walking up and down a swinging platform (sprite 3). So 1 parented to 2 which is parented to 3. More choice when it comes to building levels so well worth the effort.

Hoping to have a short video in a week or two to show the population editor working.

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Posted: 22nd Mar 2015 15:34
Dead chuffed - Got the moving platforms working so the player can now land on moving platforms. Thought it might be a tough one but the framework has worked well so adding it in wasn't too bad.

Up until now I have, for the most part, managed to keep the framework fairly general but it's getting tougher. Some game decisions will have to be made soon.

Next sure...

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Posted: 12th Apr 2015 22:12
Working on graphics (creating tiling textures is tough!). I'm using a 3D application and figured a neat way of doing it so thought I'd share. Basically I've set up my 3D scene so I have chunks of landscape that I need to create tiles from in a long line. I then animate the camera so it jumps from one tile to the next in a sequence. This means that the resulting rendered image sequence (ie all my tiles) is nicely numbered (Tile_0001.png to Tile_0378.png etc). I've then create a small AppGameKit programme to load each one in turn (easy with a sequence), create a sprite from it, place them side by side and then use the GetImage command to turn them all into a single atlas image. The cool thing about the system is that if I decide I want my grass lighter across all my tiles (ugh! if done by hand!), I just tweak the global surface in my 3D app, then render out the image sequence, run the AppGameKit atlas maker and bam, I have a new updated atlas image without too much grief.

I just want to get a bit further and then I'll pop a video up of the progress.

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Posted: 21st Apr 2015 00:31
Quick video update. Basic landscape tiles for world 1 done. Lots more to be added but these tiles will allow me to build a varied landscape shape. Also a quick mess around with crates that have variable strength. Got some ideas for them in the game!

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Posted: 13th May 2015 00:09
Still working on this project. Been busy on the graphics front so the coin is done for real now. I've also created the power-up icons and I've made some background (darker) mud to form caves. When doing this I realised that the map editor I made had a rather bad limitation (not being able to see the foreground map whilst editing the darker mud layer that is 'stuck' to it so had to go back and add that in - no small feat!). I've also added a function to spawn effects (animated sprites) when coins are collected or crates get smashed but now wondering if it should be a more generic effect function so might revisit that.

Keep meaning to do a video and then I think "oh it will be much better with this or that added".....but must get round to it! Really enjoying AppGameKit!

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Posted: 3rd Jun 2015 10:48
Project still very much alive...

Created a new behaviour that sends out projectiles (fireballs or spikey balls etc) when a crate is destroyed so the crates with "!" on them now have some bite! Also created a dedicated shooting behaviour that can be parented to any other sprite so I can make any monster shoot targeted or untargeted projectiles or do bursts (bullets in an arc).

But most of the work at the moment is the graphics...

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Posted: 15th Jun 2015 00:38
Latest update...

A bunch of graphics done and enemy behaviours. Thanks to Baxslash, lmr2013 and Markus for help on the comma separated score.

Next step, graphics associated with the power-ups and player damage and player ink (bullets). Then onto the rest of the woodland graphic tiles.

So much to do but it's gradually coming on...

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Posted: 15th Jun 2015 01:50
Looks great, coming along very nicely

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Posted: 16th Jun 2015 10:57
Cheers Paul,

I think I've bitten off quite a large project to chew on! Last time I did a platform game was in Amos, using TOME as the map editor. I see you're of the Amiga era.

Need to do some tweaks on the boulder sprite behaviour so that they can be triggered by player proximity and so their rotation speed is relative to their travel speed. Which reminds me, I've not done the video of the population editor!

Next up, power-up graphics.

Shield - No enemy or bullets can harm you
Air Jump - Can jump in mid air - like flying
Breath Underwater - Gives you an extra 10 seconds under water
Time Slower - Slows down all enemy and their bullets (matrix style!)
Magic Eye - Discovers secret passages

Then on to the player ink (players bullets). I want to get blobby type ink.

After that I can start to really pretty the levels up with a full set of woodland tiles.

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Posted: 16th Jun 2015 22:16
Quote: "I think I've bitten off quite a large project to chew on!"

Yes this is a big project but very good

Quote: "Last time I did a platform game was in Amos, using TOME as the map editor. I see you're of the Amiga era."

Loved Amos, it was the best Basic software with a great manual and TOME was pretty good as the map editor.

Quote: "I see you're of the Amiga era."

Yep oldies

Great work

The Amiga and Amos were great!
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Posted: 17th Jun 2015 00:18
Cheers! Yes, I absolutely loved AMOS. There was a compiler (not the one released) apparently that was going to make it almost as fast as machine code but it never got finished (when the Amiga got into trouble) - shame as I always wanted more performance out of it! Still, nice to be back coding games after a 20+ year gap and the performance of AppGameKit and modern PCs is mind blowing coming from the old Amiga days!

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Posted: 6th Jul 2015 10:18
Managed to get the power-up graphics done yesterday, so can now start adding them into the game.

The sunny weather is definitely slowing progress!

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Posted: 10th Jul 2015 00:08

Finally got around to doing a quick video of the population editor. This allows me to add in enemies and swinging platforms etc to the levels. Effectively it allows me to write small pieces of code, that I call "actions", that dictate how the sprites behave. I've written about 6 actions so far and anticipate I'll write a bunch more as the game progresses. So far I have:

1. Spike thruster - moves spear type sprites up rapidly and then back
2. Circular - all circular and arc based movements - good for swinging platforms
3. To-and-Fro - Title says it all!
4. Dedicated Shooter - shoots fountains of bullets or staggered shots (targeted and non targeted)
5. Roller - rolling items - like the boulders in the video
6. Crate burst - spawns bullets when no crate exists above it.

I have lots of ideas for actions! They should allow for good variation in the game-play as I move forward.

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Posted: 10th Jul 2015 18:51
Great work; the sprite actions feature makes for a nice modular work flow.

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Posted: 10th Jul 2015 19:03
Cheers Chris. I think they're going to be good fun to code!

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Posted: 12th Jul 2015 14:55
Brilliant work davidAGK, all the hard work will make creating levels easy.

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Posted: 12th Jul 2015 22:55
Thanks Rickynzx! Appreciate the encouragement.

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Posted: 13th Jul 2015 00:34
WOW ...... very nice
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Posted: 13th Jul 2015 10:54
Thanks Michael.

I've just got a few more power-up effects to do and then it's onto the rest of the woodland tiles and some new monsters. I'm looking forward to starting to build pretty levels! Shame graphics (esp tiling graphics) take so long to do!

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Posted: 15th Jul 2015 08:35
Very impressive effort David. Do you have any idea how many lines of code currently comprise your game (not counting external tools)? Thanks!

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Posted: 15th Jul 2015 18:16
That's an interesting question! It's split up into a few #includes but I'll have to have a look. My guess is about 2-3 times as many lines as a competent coder would take!

It's been a long time in the making so far but the graphics now required are now going to take an absolute age! Lots of plants and other bits to pretty the levels up.

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Posted: 27th Jul 2015 00:06
A reasonable proportion of the "lines of code" will in fact be spaces to make the code more readable but so far, including the code to help me population the levels which is currently integral to the code to be ripped out at the end, I'm at 12,580 lines of code. Realistically I'd say the reality is about half that. A good coder would probably do it in less than half that (and I'm not joking!)

This weekend I managed to do the ivy tiles. Next some roots and boulders in the mud to break those areas up a bit more, then onto the plants (bluebells, foxgloves, ferns, grass etc).

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Posted: 27th Jul 2015 06:47
Quote: "Do you have any idea how many lines of code currently comprise your game (not counting external tools)?"

Quote: "My guess is about 2-3 times as many lines as a competent coder would take!"

I was just thinking about that today when I was coding and thought that I should have used an array and for loop for one of my chunks to condense it x4.
Then, I thought what the heck, I can always do that later or at the end (knowing I never will).

Quote: "I'm at 12,580 lines of code."

Wow, I get lost in mine at a lot less than that.
Even big chunks of code can be written to execute fast though by nesting conditions.
I do things the long way a lot too, but I don't think the long way is the wrong way.
It's just more typing and a little bit bigger file size.

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Posted: 14th Aug 2015 19:05
Cheers for the encouragement CE.

Ivy tiles done. Still lots more graphics to do before anything sensible to show...and the sunny weather is slowing progress. More diving happening than coding but I can feel the good weather fading so things will progress again shortly!

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Posted: 5th Sep 2015 22:34
Weather here in the UK is now much more conducive to coding! Back doing some more graphics, got some roots that can be added to the mud done and now working on taller grass that will sit above the grass tiles. Got to figure out how I'm going to do it so it doesn't end up being too many tiles but whilst still giving good flexibility.

Graphics take foreeeeeeeeeeever!

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Posted: 6th Sep 2015 01:06 Edited at: 6th Sep 2015 01:07
Quote: "Graphics take foreeeeeeeeeeever! "

It sure does...I just got the 4th level loaded into my Platformer...Sitting here and watching it rain outside.

Good Luck
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Posted: 10th Sep 2015 23:55
Still tile building at this end. Grass tiles being done at the moment, then onto other more interesting plants. So many variations (slope, flat, ending on flat, ending on slope etc) to do! Still, hoping it will look good when it's done...fingers crossed.

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Posted: 17th Sep 2015 14:30
Building a new atlas image creator based on Memblocks, with the help of Baxslash's code that he kindly posted to help me along the way! Should be a good exercise in understanding memblocks which I've never used before and get me around the limitations of the current screen grabbing version I use.

On the graphics side, the grassy tops to the tiles are done (hopefully anyway - they need testing, hence the atlas image creator) Next steps...on with the other plants for World 1.

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Posted: 17th Sep 2015 19:02
Quote: "Building a new atlas image creator based on Memblocks, with the help of Baxslash's code that he kindly posted to help me along the way! Should be a good exercise in understanding memblocks which I've never used before and get me around the limitations of the current screen grabbing version I use."

I need to get on this also, first time iv ever used memblocks was last night going over Batvinks Tutorial encrypting all my media. Which was successful

Quote: "Next steps...on with the other plants for World 1."

Good Luck! Decorating levels is always a drag(for me anyways) Id always rather be pushing forward creating levels.

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Posted: 19th Sep 2015 15:50
Q: Spot the difference... "SetMemblockInt" V "SetMemblockByte"
A: About two hours of debugging

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Posted: 19th Sep 2015 16:09
Quote: "Q: Spot the difference... "SetMemblockInt" V "SetMemblockByte"
A: About two hours of debugging"


At least you found it in the end and then slap to the head

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Posted: 19th Sep 2015 16:20

Great exercise in memblock stuff. I've got the main code working and making atlas images nicely. I've now got to re-write a few parts to get around the GetFirstFile command using the file time-stamp!

Looking forward to being able to assemble all the tiles I've built recently and test them out!

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Posted: 26th Sep 2015 18:32
New atlas image maker now coded and working brilliantly. No size restrictions like the last one I coded. Altogether a more solid programme. Thanks Baxslash for your code - gave me the confidence to write my own and was generally uber useful to look at.

World 1 graphics are coming on well...
All grassy tiles now done (Yay!!!)
Ferns done (took two attempts after first one was too fiddly looking)
Wooden spikes done
Working on rope webbing and ladders next…then bridges…then….. the list goes on.

Also decided that the top console (score, lives coins etc) looks a bit rubbish so I'll be re-doing that.

Much more work going into it now that the weather has turned and the sea is soup like.

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Posted: 27th Sep 2015 10:18 Edited at: 27th Sep 2015 10:19
I always read your thread when I see a new post.
Will you give us a chance to play the game under Windows?
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Posted: 27th Sep 2015 12:34
Yes. I'd like to do a forum alpha test at some stage but need to get more done first.

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Posted: 6th Oct 2015 21:50
380 static tiles done and counting....
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Posted: 6th Oct 2015 21:56
Good work David, this platform game of yours is very good. I went the route of coding my own system on mine too instead of using physics and collisions etc but mine is using blocks and no slopes with a 6 point detection system with only 1 point for the floor so I can really relate to how much work you have put in on this system of yours with all the extras you have! Hard work

Very good work and really looking forward to seeing how you get on with this.
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Posted: 6th Oct 2015 23:46
Quote: "380 static tiles done and counting...."

Most impressive.
Your character looks great, so I am betting that the static stuff looks great too.
That is a lot of tiles, so kudos on the hard work.
Looking forward to playing this one too!

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Posted: 7th Oct 2015 16:28
Cheers guys!

Spectrepaul - good choice on coding the controller. I think it's the right route for ultimate control and importantly 'feel'. Yes...slopes bring a whole new bag of difficulties, as do jump-up-through tiles...then combine the two and add in forces and Aaargh!

CE - Thanks! I'd not counted the recent batch so it's going to be close to 500 tiles in the end. I have far fewer animated tiles...but they take longer to do! Not sure how I'm going to tackle the background yet. I'll wait and see what happens to the frame rate when I create maps with all the tiles layered etc. Fingers crossed.

Thanks for the encouragement guys. Looking forward to doing another video in a couple of weeks when, hopefully, I'll have all the static tiles done. I've already got a few animated ones too (Power-ups and coins etc) so I'll pop them in the map too.
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Posted: 25th Oct 2015 09:15
512 static foreground tiles now done.
About 100 larger just-behind-foreground tiles done.
I've also done some interesting tests in preparation for the background tiles. I had in mind a forest but too much background movement confused things so I'm pairing it down to some rolling hills to allow for more focus on the foreground. Also noted that the parallax effect has to be fairly subtle otherwise that too is distracting.

Next tasks…
Background hills tiles
Last few animated foreground tiles
Rest of the level monsters and moving platforms

And then I will have reached a real milestone - All graphics done for World 1!

When I've done that I'll create a mock level with all the new tiles and monsters etc and post another video as things have moved on quite a bit since my last.
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Posted: 15th Nov 2015 11:18 Edited at: 15th Nov 2015 11:20
Latest video now up - Go check it out! New foreground and background tiles now done (including a few that are not shown here).

Watch it in Full HD (1080P)

Next two step...

1. Animated tiles - fruit power-ups, half way and end of level icon things and more
2. Rest of World 1 monsters and swinging platforms

When I've done those I'll be creating a full level to help me test and develop the next stages.
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Posted: 18th Nov 2015 11:38
Animated fruit tiles done - went quicker than I expected which is rather nice! Now onto the other animated tiles...

It must be coming up to two years since I started this project with the creation of the map editor!
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Posted: 26th Nov 2015 21:44
Save point marker done and I also have scampering ants (animated tiles) that can be quickly and easily added to the maps now. I'll do a larger version of the ant as one of the monsters in a bit.

Thought I'd finished the animated tiles but I need some sparkle effect ones....argh! Almost all World 1 graphics done...I will get there (I keep telling myself!).

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Posted: 29th Nov 2015 17:09
This is looking great.
Graphics look amazing
Do you do all the graphics yourself?
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Posted: 29th Nov 2015 17:48
Hi Rickynx,

Cheers! Yes, I'm doing all the graphics. I'll attempt sound when I get there but music I'll get someone else to do.

I'm struggling at the moment doing some *$£#@~@!!? sparkles which are the last animated tiles! I'm desperate to get them done so I can move onto the monsters and then finish all World 1 graphics so I can get back to some coding!

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Posted: 30th Nov 2015 21:22
All World 1 tiles done! Woohoo! That has been one monster piece of work! I'm sure I'll find a few that need adding as I start to build the levels but for now I can move on. The rest of the monsters and platforms for World 1 next, then I can build a fully featured level with secret passages, monsters, platforms, bouncy mushrooms, fruit power-ups etc!

Then it'll be back to the character for some tweaks before possibly re-looking at the console (score, lives, ink level etc), then monster and player death effects.

I must be nuts! This project is a complete monster!
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Posted: 1st Dec 2015 12:36
Well done David, its amazing how much time you have to spend on such a project, then when you think you are done something else pops up that needs doing or something else can be done better. you could spend forever tweaking and adding.

hope you manage to get everything done quickly, i cant wait to have a try of the finished game.

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