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Geek Culture / An after thought on why people get offended at...

Pincho Paxton
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Posted: 5th Nov 2003 02:06
Yuck! I read the first part about the guy trying to find out if the Bible is really true, and he couldn't fault it. I did the same thing at the age of 22, and I got to the ark, and I felt sick that it was so rediculous, and that people actually believe it. That took me just a couple of hours. Of course you can fault the Bible, it has so many pages of impossibilities. All of the impossibilities are called miracles. That's cheating!

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Posted: 5th Nov 2003 02:48 Edited at: 5th Nov 2003 03:03

You've just admited that you don't want to believe that the bible is true. And you also admited that you came to your conclusion with a lack of evidence, if you want to know the real truth you have to take everything into consideration and go off of proven facts, true or false. You can't simply dismiss something because you think that it cannot be true, you have to have the facts, there is only 1 truth. Everyones opinion is not true some are right, some are wrong. But wouldn't it make sense to base your beliefs on something that is proven fact than just making up what you want? Hello! Truth at it's very nature is quite intolerant of error.

I think this is a major reason why people hate christians so much, they think that we want to control how they act and things like that. But the fact of the matter is that we stand for the 1 true God that does not change to fit into our changing cosmos.

Have you ever considered that christianity is true? If not then why? Where is your proof? I have given tons of facts and proofs that are real fact. But I have seen others post links to sites that don't have one ounce of proof, I've also noticed that in the face of the facts that I have been posting that the others are just saying what they believe, in the face of the ironclad facts that I have posted. And others agree with it simply because it's what they want to hear.

Like I said, you can't choose to not believe something just because you think that it is impropable. You have to have evidence, facts. And so far I have seen none.
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Posted: 5th Nov 2003 05:42 Edited at: 5th Nov 2003 05:43
Quote: "You must look at this with an open mind and heart, you can't go into reading anything with the thought in your head that you are right and that the information that you are about to read is going to be false."

Take your own advice, man. For once, consider an alternative to Christianity.

Just as you say, many of those who set out to prove the bible wrong end up becoming a follower - I agree. But you know what else I've noticed? Many followers who set out to prove the bible right end up losing their faith. It happened to me. You see, it goes both ways.

Quote: "You can't simply dismiss something because you think that it cannot be true"

Then why do you dismiss all but Christianity? Oh my, it appears the rules don't apply to you because you "know you're right". I'm just a fool for losing my faith in a God which may or may not exist.

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Posted: 5th Nov 2003 08:44
I like to read threads like this, it helps to see how others view the world. Oftentimes they have in site that you could never have come to on your own. Anywho...

I was raised Roman Catholic, I never really thought to deeply about what that meant, until one day my grandparent gave me this book called "Someone Awesome" I think. It was basically a children's book meant to explain why God exists. Well I read it, sat down and said to myself thats the biggest load of crap I ever heard. So I decided to do a little research of my own. So I started with the most logical place (at least for me) the Bible.

Today I look at my shelves and I see many religious texts, the Bible, Koran, Pali Canon, Tao Te Ching(about 18 copies), The Bhagavad Gita, The Golden Bough, the Avestas, a bunch of American Atheist magazines... and many others.

I personally believe there is no right or wrong religion, its kinda like pants, just wear the ones that fit you best For me thats Taoism (as the most widely practiced religion in the world they must be doing something right... that or China just has to many people in it )

"This is a common problem found in logic known as a paradox, or circular logic. You will always find yourself asking your original question. In fact, this is an excellent sign of your logic failing you. However, most people don't ask deep enough questions to get into too hot of water." Bill Mason Heres a link if you wanna read the artical (its about the Taoism views on Cosmology, so I don't know if anyone would find it that interesting)

It seems like all we are doing here is running around in circles, but at least it'll be interesting, and maybe you'll even learn something new.
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Posted: 5th Nov 2003 09:34
Quote: "Like I said, you can't choose to not believe something just because you think that it is impropable. You have to have evidence, facts. And so far I have seen none"

Me neither ... either way

Christians on the 'conversion' trail generally point to the bible as proof of God and therefore christianity, while conveniently avoiding the fact that the bible is also used by both the Jewish and Moslem religions (in different measures). Islam also came from the same 'tree' but branched off ... or took the correct path? Who can say? Certainly not me

So whenever you use the bible as Truth (with a capital T) you are also providing the choice of those religions too.

Also, you might want to have a word with the creator of that web page, because that page seems specifically designed to *not* be read. A slightly larger font (or maybe just the standard font) and smaller paragraphs with whitespace between them should do it
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Posted: 5th Nov 2003 10:26 Edited at: 5th Nov 2003 10:28
The bible is simplly a book, God didn't write it, people who may or may not have been witnes to God wrote it. Part could be completely true, others could be metiforical, others could be plain, old-fastion story telling. There was a chapter that didn't make it into the bible that was full of stories about Jesus's disciples spreading the word of God. In one John was confronted by a lion who wished to be babtised, which John did. Later John was catured by Romans and thrown in a colisium to face a lion, which happend to be the one he babtised. The lion didn't attack and both were set free. Abviously a copy of an Asob's Fable used to spread the word of God, but not true.

You can't find conterdition in the Bible, not surprising. Only priests were aloud to read it for hundreds of years. Even afterwords it's been traslated and retraslated a hundred times, I've noticed 9 different translations of a single scriture (not sure on the name, it was the one in Mathews were Jesus dies), all were similar but still different. The Catholic church still keeps many religious document in secret, why? In those hundreds of years of secrects they coule have easily left out false prophecies and added new ones. Of course it blastfamy to say or think such a thing, but that quite a nice clause, making it illegal to question if that law is legal.

Personal, I got nothing against Chirstians as an individual, as a whole they seam to want nothing more than world dom,ination starting with the minds and thoughts of the people. Sounds a little extream but it's true. It a sin to question or even thing objectivly the bible. It's a sin to worship anything other than God despite the fact most chirst don't worship God they, worship his son, the cross and a fish. The Cruch proffeted from the slave trade, they opossed letting women vote, and now they opposed a formal reconition of to peoples love for one another just becuase they are members of the same sex. I don't know about you but I find a bit more than disterbing that so much of the cruch is against homosexuality yet all the priests caught molesting children have only been molesting boys. Like I said, I got nothing against the individual chirstian, in fact one of my best friends is a very relious Mormon ( though she's not liked by her church due to the fact she likes to form her own opinions). However as a whole, chirstianity only tries manipulates and control the popultion, it barely has anything to due withg god any more. When was the last time you heard a preist adress the world on a topic dealing with god? For the last few years it's either been tryiong to cover there asses or tring to deny others rights to be happy.

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Pincho Paxton
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Posted: 5th Nov 2003 11:19
Let's look into the creation of Earth, the stars, the moons, the mountains, and everything. Ok so God is a lonely, single entity in a nothingness. He has the ability to create atoms, and molecules from nowhere. He then builds the Earth. He creates mountains, and soil. He wants to create something that he can compare with himself, so he makes a dinosaur? What was he thinking? Millions of years later he gets bored with dinosaurs ( wise is that?) Then with his ability to create molecules, and such things from nothing, he creates man from mud? Why bother with the mud? He has the ability to make things from nothing so why does he use mud? Then with the ability to make man from mud, he makes woman from the rib of a man? So now he is not only ignoring his ability to create things from nothing, he is also ignoring his ability to make things from mud. It just doesn't sound very logical to me.

Rob K
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Posted: 5th Nov 2003 15:30
Maybe its just me, but having actually read large chunks of the Bible, it seems to depict the entity known as "God" in a very unfavourable light, which seems a bit odd for a religion's reference.

Pincho Paxton
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Posted: 5th Nov 2003 17:08
Yeah I think that too. If he exists I shall give him a piece of my mind!
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Posted: 5th Nov 2003 23:17
You'll be interested in reading this then :
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Posted: 5th Nov 2003 23:25
heh not a bad story

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Pincho Paxton
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Posted: 5th Nov 2003 23:44
It sounds a lot like me! I've gone through that story in my head before, almost word for word...Very odd! But in the end of my story, I choose Heaven, so not quite the same. Anyhow, I still don't believe in him.

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Posted: 6th Nov 2003 21:58
I dont mean to be rude or anything, but I wouldnt base my belief on only proven facts what I see. We are ONLY human and there may be many, many things way beyond our understanding.

If there is a God we can not question if it would be pointless to create an earth full of evil since many things (I believe) are beyond our understanding.

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Posted: 6th Nov 2003 22:11

Pincho you keep questioning what God has done. But it would only be foolish to try to understand why we are here and why did God did that, or why did that happen then. As I posted before I believe that many things are beyond the understanding of the human mind since we have all sined. Perhaps before Adam sinned humans had a better understanding, but who knows???

And if anyone was wondering I am a Cristian.


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Posted: 6th Nov 2003 22:12
I mean Christian* lol

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Posted: 6th Nov 2003 22:21
And excuse my grammer please it isn't the best.

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Posted: 7th Nov 2003 04:58
Yes, I also belive there are quite a few things well beyound our abillity to understand, in fact I'm sure the universal Truthes are far, far beyond human understanding. However, that doesn't mean I should give up (not saying anyone here is). I figure I'll eventually find out certian mysyeries of the cosmos, like if there's an afterlife. I know I will find this out, after all I am gonna die some day, so I don't worry about it. I try to inderstand things that are unique to this life, such as my early childhood dreams and my Night Terror which has followed me my whole life. These are the things which I try to understand now.

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Posted: 7th Nov 2003 05:17
I'm neither atheist nor christian, I'm agnostic. Though I know day by day I'm growing farther and farther away from my original "faith", I believe it's worth stepping away from my brainwashing. If I ever "come back" to "God" (if I KNOW or a fact without a doubt in my mind (not heart) that he's real), at least I won't be the brainwashed fool I was before.

BTW, that atheist story is stupid, as it doesn't depict the Christian God correctly at all...if Christianity is true, then being brought up Christian wouldn't be a brainwashing at all. (I however, believe it is).

As I look at how I've changed, I've realized that I've become more of a [expletive]jackass[/expletive], and I'm trying to stop. When I first "lost my faith" I retained my morals, but I see now they're beginning to fade. I also the only thing that was stopping them from fading before was fear. I've still much to learn - just when I think I have it all figured out...

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Posted: 7th Nov 2003 09:15
Arrow, ...aah, finally someone's trying to figure things that could be solved. And things that matter much more than the if-a-object-is-the-lenght-of-a-lightyear-what-happens-when-it-is-pushed-with-speed-of-the-light sorta pointless question. Not that those might not be amusing things, it's totally pointless. Plus, most likely things like that won't be solved ... at least in our time. or ever.

Hzence, well I'm sorry to hear that you feel like you were brainwashed. But that could also be true. It should always be a personal choice. between you and God.

Morals are very underrated these days, but even if God wouldn't exist, having a good morals wouldn't hurt. (plus you've got to remember that morals have very little to do with the heaven-issue, it's all mercy)

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Pincho Paxton
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Posted: 7th Nov 2003 14:13
Heaven doesn't need a God to exist, so therefore you still need your morals to get in there. In other words..if humans control Heaven you will still need good morals to get in.

Quote: "if-a-object-is-the-lenght-of-a-lightyear-what-happens-when-it-is-pushed-with-speed-of-the-light sorta pointless question."

Not really pointless, when the sun burns out we have to get off this planet. Some of these theories could save the human race.

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Posted: 7th Nov 2003 14:36
humans control heaven?

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Posted: 7th Nov 2003 15:23
Hmm, you haven't read the whole thread. well who would, it's huge! My theory is that something had to exist before the big bang. That something would be us! We would have been living in Heaven for Billions of years, but crimes would be taking place. So we created the Universe, and Earth, to send people away from Heaven as a punnishment. Death would be the painful end, and you would wake up in Heaven afraid to commit more crimes. Some people would commit crimes on Earth, they would be re-born on Earth for a second or third time. Hopefully, we all get to Heaven in the end. Heaven would be run by a council of people who have a pretty perfect record of good behaviour. This council would be called The 'Guardians Of Destiny' or GOD for short. A bible was placed on Earth to give criminals something to think about before commiting crimes. Heaven didn't want to tell us that we were being punished because we would try to be good for the wrong reasons. Hence criminals would return to Heaven with the knowledge that they would gain from being well behaved. In the Bible the word God was used to signify the Guardians Of Destiny. They used the word God to make it easier for you to follow the rules of Heaven when you get there. It was also decided that you should be aware that you are being watched all of the time. This was like a privacy clause. So some clues are around to let you know this.

Spider= Spy device = Bug.
Guardian Angel = Someone working their way up to become a Guardian Of Destiny. They watch you all the time. They record your entire life on Earth. Everything that you have ever done, and even your thoughts are recorded, and can be played back in Heaven. If you have criminal tendencies then they will be aware of it.

My theory is based on life on Earth..What would we do if we had the power to do it? What will we be able to do in 50Million years time?

I took this environment and turned it into a perfect world. You end up with a Heaven controlled by our other state. What is our other state? Well it would be a solid state, not a ghost-like state. And we would have technolegy. In heaven we have 50 Billion years of technolegy or more, and it's free! Why is it free? If you can make a universe from molecules, then you can make machines too, for free. So when someone steals a car on Earth, they are infact throwing away the chance to have unlimited merchandise for free! That is why Heaven is a secret.

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Posted: 7th Nov 2003 17:17
Quote: "Death would be the painful end"
Can't say I agree with you, guess I'm not so pessimistic after all. I consider death as a gateway to enlightenment, a completely new world unfolds around you aswell as a completely new way of thinking. Free from the bounds of fleshy existance, you're aloud to surpass what you were. Unless there s truely nothinf after death, if so I guess I wouldn't care due to the fact as I would remember anything just like if I'ld never existed at all.

Quote: "And things that matter much more than the if-a-object-is-the-lenght-of-a-lightyear-what-happens-when-it-is-pushed-with-speed-of-the-light sorta pointless question"
True it's pretty pointless, but it sure if fun to think about. I love to talk to a friend about completely theoretical, setting up "what if's" to the point where it is like it's already happend. We once when off on AI to the point where we got a good idea on how Sentient AI will be devoloped, now I'm working on a way to define sentients and then create a sort of AI Bill of Rights, so as to avode such extreams like the Matrix, all though that's going a bit to far. Basicly I oppose the idea of oppressing another, even if that other in a machine. In any case it's a fun way to pass the time at work.

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Pincho Paxton
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Posted: 7th Nov 2003 20:00
Quote: "Quote: "Death would be the painful end"
Can't say I agree with you, guess I'm not so pessimistic after all. I consider death as a gateway to enlightenment, a completely new world unfolds around you aswell as a completely new way of thinking. Free from the bounds of fleshy existance, you're aloud to surpass what you were."

@Arrow...Actually you are agreeing with me in that statement. That is what I believe also. I never said anything about a fleshy existance, I said that we would go to a solid existance..My existance would be solid, with a billion years of memories, you would be extremely intelligent, and you would be able to remember more than one visit to Earth. Imagine the amount of information that you have learned in all those years.

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Posted: 8th Nov 2003 04:57
You see life as punishment, I see it as becoming more than we were. I don't beleave an afterlife would have any sort of peer controled system of government, or any government at all. I see all things as a chance to learn, not a chance to make up for past mistakes. I do beleave in karma, but not in an afterlife so flawed as this plane of existance. I've long since given up on the idea that we are being punished by being exilied to life. From what I understand, you think when we die we wake up, and contenue to exist as we were, just in a more advanced place, I don't buy that. Everything must end, death will exist everywhere, however death is just leaving one plain of existance and going to another. When we die we will exist in a new state that's impossible to imagine, nothing like this one.

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Posted: 8th Nov 2003 12:05 Edited at: 8th Nov 2003 12:27
@Arrow Ok so you believe those things, but those things involve faith. Those things involve faith because they are not based on Earth. If they were based on Earth then you could not have a life without govornment, it would be totally chaotic. As for the new state to be impossible to imagine, nothing is impossible to imagine, honestly, we can imagine every situation that could arise from death.

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Posted: 8th Nov 2003 17:52 Edited at: 8th Nov 2003 17:52
No you can't, trust me there are things out there that are so vast it's literaly frighting to think of. Best example: infinaty. I get Night Terror (a sleeping disorder which causes very powerful nightmares), a few times while having it I can see forever, like for miles and miles, but everything is perfectly clear. I scares me so bad I've stoped breathiing, it unbealivable how bad such an abstract idea of infinate is if you real imagine it. It's almost inposible to do so consciously, we can't comprehend that much data, not even the most advanced computers can, just an example.

As for faith, not in this case. If my body dies and my mind lives on, it will be free of the limitation of firing impuses from brain cell to brain cell. If my conscious exist as these electro-chemical pulses, and if my mind does life on past death it would be as I had been looking through a keyhole my whole life with the whole door opening after death. If I do simply stop existing, then I will have no memories of my life nor knowledge that I existed at all, nothingness. If that's the case how could I care when I wouldn't exist? That being the case I expect death to a catalist to enlightenment, if it's not I woundn't know thus it would be as if I never thought of death as that way. To not exist is another thing very difficult to imagine.

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Posted: 8th Nov 2003 18:02
Infinity isn't about how much information it takes to go on living forever. Infinity is a description of time, and you don't really need to think about it. It's a man made word, because man has this time barrier, but maybe Heaven doesn't have a time barrier, so they don't bother thinking about infinity, and where Heaven began. Maybe you can't imagine such things, but I can.

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Posted: 8th Nov 2003 23:52
Well time is relative acording to einstien(i cant spell) so there may be no "time" in heaven.

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Posted: 9th Nov 2003 01:28
Well with a 70 year lifespan, half of it spent as a baby, time becomes important. Heaven could have no children, or babies. Ageing is not an eternal lifestyle. How can Heaven have babies if we were the first thing ever created, or if we have been here forever. So we are adults, probably very fit, probably indestructable, but damagable with fast ability to repair our damage. We are probably very bored at times. Earth might be an escape from repetition. There may be other worlds to go to. Seeing the birth of computer games seems like an interesting time period to be born into, maybe we chose this ourselves.

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Posted: 9th Nov 2003 05:17
Quote: "Maybe you can't imagine such things, but I can. "
Ho ho, I take that as a insult. Ok, it you really are so creative, imagine color you've never seen before.

Personally, I'm kinda wondering why you choose to model heaven so closely to earth, the place, acording to your logic, we are sent to as punishment for crimes we made in heaven.

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Posted: 9th Nov 2003 09:59
Wow pincho is doing well to defend "pinchoism", hes probably learning more about it now then ever before.

*sits back and takes out popcorn*
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Posted: 9th Nov 2003 15:09
Quote: "Ho ho, I take that as a insult. Ok, it you really are so creative, imagine color you've never seen before.

Yeah the colours, and details of Heaven are probably greater, but that doesn't really alter our ability to understand it. We can simply say that Heaven has more colours, and that our eyes have the ability to see in a higher res. There is a lot of speculation in saying that Heaven has such extras.

Quote: "Personally, I'm kinda wondering why you choose to model heaven so closely to earth, the place, acording to your logic, we are sent to as punishment for crimes we made in heaven.

Earth is modelled closely to Heaven because we have to go back to Heaven, and we have to be able to associate ourselves into that society. Like the word God meaning Guardians Of Destiny. When in Heaven you hear someone saying "God help us!" they are referring to the Guardians of Destiny. You can easily relate to that, it just makes things easier for you. The people in Heaven, are the best people from Earth, so there is no need to change anything.

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Posted: 9th Nov 2003 17:03 Edited at: 9th Nov 2003 17:04
Ack, you missed the point. I wasn't saying the heaven will have new colors, I was challenging you to think of a new one. We can not think up something new without having something to relate it to, else we wouldn't reconize it as something new. Our minds aren't nearly as vast as we think, it uses alot of short cuts. For example we all know what a fish looks like. Even if we see a new or see a drawn picture of one, we know it's a fish. Our brain looks for tell-tail traits to idenify objects so that we don't have to store countless unnessiary data. Prove of this is in abstract paintings or ink blot tests, peoiple can see different things in them because they have the same traits as the things we think they are. In anycase my point remains that there a great many things we can wrap our brains around yet.

As for your idea of heaven, I really hope your wrong. Last thing I need is to wake up and find out that I gotta deal with this kinda existance for the rest of eternity, that would suck.

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Posted: 9th Nov 2003 18:04
Quote: "As for your idea of heaven, I really hope your wrong. Last thing I need is to wake up and find out that I gotta deal with this kinda existance for the rest of eternity, that would suck.

What would suck? You can't just say it sucks. You will have to identify all the things that suck on Earth. Is this one of those arguments, like........ it sucks? What sucks?

As for imagining colours that don't exist, and going to a Heaven that is beyond our imagination. Well, that is just too much faith for me. I don't see the point in starting out on Earth, then go to some totally inimaginable existence. Why bother with Earth in the first place? Just have the new place.

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Posted: 9th Nov 2003 20:14 Edited at: 9th Nov 2003 20:16
What if we existed before Earth as a lesser existance? Wouldn't that make this plain seam like heaven if you could barely think, let alone intract with your surrounding? Personally I bealive there's something even beyond the afterlife, it would only make sence. How many systems in this universe are composed of only a few things?

The atom is part of the molecule, the molecule is part if the element, the element's part of the nano-tissue, the nano-tissue's parts of the cell, the cell's part of the tissue, the tissue is part of the organ, the organ's part of the life systems, the life syatem's part of the person, the person's part of the clan, the clan's part of the culture, the culture's part of the enviroment, the enviroment's part of the ecology, the ecology's part of the planet, the planet's part of the solor system, the solar system's part of the galaxy, the galaxy's part of the universe, and the universe's is probable part of something bigger.

Why would eitheral systems be any different. If there's one thing I've learned it's that nothing ends, everything contenues in some form or another. To evolve and grow stronger is the only thing that I can remotely call an Universal Truth. Evolution is the only thing constant with the universe. Gases pull together to create starts and when they run out of energy they expoled to for new feild of gases that will again create new stars. While those stars exist may produce planets which may produce life. To stop growing is to stop existing. Perhapes existance as we know it is mearly the path of evolution. Evolution in all of it's forms and facets, that is my basis for my thoughts on the subject, the only faith I have is that I will contenue to think up moire of this stuff.

I've thought of at least 10 different 'belief systems' in the last 7 years, I'll think up more. I've not set this idea in stone quite yet (in fact doing so would be be contrary to the idea as a whole), I will contenue to belief in what ever makes the most sence. This system allows quite a bit of freedom to think, pletty of room for improvement,and is friendly to many fundmental ideas of both science and religion. Blind faith rarely effect my philosophy, I do have blind faith, just not in this case.

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Posted: 9th Nov 2003 22:44
Well I've presented most of my ideas. All of them backed up with proofs from Earth.I particulary like the fact that we are here during the beginning of the computer game age. I have learned all about Pong, Frogger, Invaders, and I have learned all of the early programming lanuages. I have witnessed the first CG Films, and the end of the B/W era. This was a good time to spend on Earth. Out of the 5 Billion years remaining, these have been very important years. Was it really a 5 Billion to 1 chance that I was here during this time?

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Posted: 10th Nov 2003 04:19
mwahaha. What a crazy way to look at things. We are living in the start age of computers, and the chance is 5 billion to 1!

Except it isn't cos humans haven't really been around for that long, and we probably won't be around much longer either!

Now follows all appropriate death smilies:

Pincho Paxton
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Posted: 10th Nov 2003 10:25 Edited at: 10th Nov 2003 10:27
It doesn't matter how long humans have been around. If you win the Lotto on the very first Lotto the odds are still 14 Million to 1. If humans are around until the sun dies then that's 5 Billion to 1, but we could even survive that. Saying that the entire human race will die out soon still has us quite lucky to be here now.

Pincho Paxton
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Posted: 20th Nov 2003 22:49
There's a program about codes in the bilble on BBC2 in a minute.
9:00 pm Thursday.

Chris K
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Posted: 20th Nov 2003 23:13
Once this guy thought that there were secret messages in the Bible, becasue you can find loads of things in it if you decode it right. They found things like:


It was later discovered that it was just because the Bible was so long. They proved it wrong by finding:

LENNON ASSASINATED 1970 (or whatever)

in The Complete works of Shakespeare.

...and like that; he's gone...
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Posted: 21st Nov 2003 17:17
Damn, and I thought this thread was dead.

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Pincho Paxton
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Posted: 21st Nov 2003 17:58
This post isn't dead until it overtakes Word Association!
Preston C
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Posted: 21st Nov 2003 23:27
Whoa, I cant believe this post was manifested by my "If you were God" thread. Keep it going, I wanna see how much this will swell out

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Chris K
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Posted: 21st Nov 2003 23:30
This much

...and like that; he's gone...
Pincho Paxton
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Posted: 21st Nov 2003 23:39
This has been a massive post....

I always wonder what picture people who believe in God see inside their head when they think about God as a real solid object. Do they see the bearded man? Or a ghost like being? What clothes is he wearing? When religious people picture Jesus they have always used the long haired, white man, with a thin face. That is actually completely wrong. Jesus would have been tanned, quite dark, with short curly, afro type hair. I think that if he were to be seen in Heaven, he would be wearing modern type clothes too. Surely he wouldn't wear the clothes of his age.

Chris K
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Posted: 21st Nov 2003 23:44
The things I don't get about Christianity are these:-

1. Before Jesus 'died for our sins' was the world more sinful? How did it change when Jesus was crucified?
2. Why do Christians bother living? Why don't they just kill themselves and go to heaven? Surely they could worship God better in heaven, talking in tongues and all.

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Posted: 22nd Nov 2003 01:49
Lol, I used to be a Christian and I could answer that...

...but since I'm lazy and not a Christian, I'll leave it to someone else.

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Chris K
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Posted: 22nd Nov 2003 11:46
Come on... Someone answer it.

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Posted: 22nd Nov 2003 18:02
Cause suiside's a sin, that and the fact that no matter how faithful you are there's the shadow of a doubt that you're wrong. I think the most important factor is the will to life that all living creatures have. You can't throw out millions of years of life and evolution over a concept there barely been around for 3000 years.

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