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AppGameKit/AppGameKit Studio Showcase / Aquillanto - 2D Platformer For Mac and PC [RELEASED]

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Posted: 10th Sep 2022 05:19
I love this, it is inspiring me and think it looks and fells real good, like a professional game. There are things i noticed that can be fixed or edited but do not worry about this for now this is very good work. In time after the release you can go through here and there and update the game.
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Posted: 12th Sep 2022 11:35
Cheers guys! It's been a looooooong time coming!

I've tried to ensure it's polished (in final testing phase at moment) - just the game icon that I can't seem to change from the default App Game Kit one... which looks a bit amateur! I don't want to use Resource Hacker as I hear it can lead to anti-virus software flagging it (as exe is altered after compilation). If anyone has any good/solid solutions I'd love to hear them!!!

AQUILLANTO - A side-scrolling platformer with super tight controls, 3 worlds to explore, hordes of monsters and a quest... Inspired by games on the Amiga computer
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Posted: 15th Sep 2022 13:38

Go play the first five levels and if you like it PLEASE give it a review! It's been 8.5 years to get to this stage and every review helps!
AQUILLANTO - A side-scrolling platformer with super tight controls, 3 worlds to explore, hordes of monsters and a quest... Inspired by games on the Amiga computer
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Posted: 15th Sep 2022 13:38
Here's a link:
AQUILLANTO - A side-scrolling platformer with super tight controls, 3 worlds to explore, hordes of monsters and a quest... Inspired by games on the Amiga computer
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Posted: 20th Sep 2022 07:59
Anyone had a go on the demo? Interested to hear if you had any issues... launch of the full game isn't far away...
AQUILLANTO - A side-scrolling platformer with super tight controls, 3 worlds to explore, hordes of monsters and a quest... Inspired by games on the Amiga computer
Virtual Nomad
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Posted: 20th Sep 2022 17:57 Edited at: 20th Sep 2022 18:31
hey, DavidAGK,

some initial feedback after playing the tutorial where, overall, the polish is obvious and the play felt good.

these would be small concerns that did not detract from my enjoyment of Aquilanto but worth mentioning:
  • while setting up the keyboard Controls, it was odd to have to cycle through various keys to set them vs simply pressing the desired key to set.
  • i was nervous during Loading the level where it seemed to freeze @ 40% for a few seconds and then displaying the windows "Busy" pointer for a few more seconds before advancing to 60%-100%. i'm not sure how to remedy but, perhaps a more-regular progress update (say every second or 2 - just some kind of "pulse") would suffice/provide feedback that things were still loading as expected. i think the blue floppy disk at the bottom right was advising "disk access", otherwise, so maybe i just need to trust that.
  • Main Menu vs Start Menu - i expect you had to organize all the settings & options somehow but i would expect Main to be the primary menu and not a sub-set of the Start menu:

    ...with Main as the 3rd option. it's just semantics and i'll get used to it but didn't feel natural/normal. perhaps some continued organization, there?
  • Signs: i would appreciate the hitboxes for the (tip/advice) Signs being larger and there seemed to be some inconsistency as to when they would trigger (i felt the "trigger" was in the top-left of each vs centered?). ie, here where i left the sign and came back to it, it didn't trigger:

    also, i would let the message linger on screen a bit longer when leaving them. tho, when leaving one and advancing to another nearby, the 2nd sometimes didn't trigger.
  • i would appreciate a little more on some of Level Complete info: ie, how did i get 54 of 33 gold coins and what does Full House indicate?

    otherwise, i love games like this that provide such data and info about my performance
  • boldly stamping inactive options which are already greyed out (while still being semi-active) with "full game only" and i thought the entire set of options (including Play) were unavailable:

    perhaps the "greyed out" + a more-subtle * asterisk denoting "Full Game Only" would suffice? my quick fix will be pruchasing the full version

otherwise, once i saw that i could turn vsync off (i run @ 30FPS normally and feared my laptop was struggling with the game), i thoroughly enjoyed the demo. everything played well and i was sucked into the adventure while appreciating the amount of work you've put into this.

with the tutorial under my belt, i'll connect my joystick and push on soon!

@everyone else, this work is so close to completion and where david has been neck deep in it for so long, he will undoubtedly appreciate all the feedback we can provide where, as many of you know, a dev so involved in a project can sometimes "miss" things that a player with a fresh perspective will experience as "obvious" (since the dev knows "everything" about what's going on inside). please do show your support for this obvious labor of love where he's taken this far beyond what many of us could hope for
Virtual Nomad
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Posted: 20th Sep 2022 19:41 Edited at: 20th Sep 2022 19:44
a bit more:

the text here could be a bit bigger to avoid "wall of text" syndrome:

i would like the body of the text to be the same size as the "header" (which might need to be slightly enlarged to read as such) with up-down controls to scroll/page through the text.

THIS could be easily applied (SetTextScissor()) while adding the Up/Down button/key notion.

meanwhile, apparently we can't Review a demo on Steam (?) where i'm itching to write one. it's everything i'd hoped for and more, and now that i connected my wireless joystick, i'm elated with the experience thus far.

congrats on the demo and thanks for sharing it!
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Posted: 22nd Sep 2022 13:36
Thanks so much Virtual Nomad! I'll take a careful look through these... It's been almost 9 year so gotta release at some point... which brings me to...

Release date has been set for 13th October!
[size=large]AQUILLANTO - A side-scrolling platformer with super tight controls, 3 worlds to explore, hordes of monsters and a quest... Inspired by games on the Amiga computer
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Posted: 23rd Sep 2022 14:38
Uploaded the Release Candidate build for final on-Steam testing.... terrifying moment.

(And hopefully my signature is updated...)
AQUILLANTO - A side-scrolling platformer with super tight controls, 3 worlds to explore, hordes of monsters and a quest... Inspired by games on the Amiga computer
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Posted: 5th Oct 2022 16:01
8 Years* since starting and now 8 days until launch.... still can't believe it...

* actually a touch more but hey...

AQUILLANTO - A side-scrolling platformer with super tight controls, 3 worlds to explore, hordes of monsters and a quest... Inspired by games on the Amiga computer
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Posted: 6th Oct 2022 22:57
Downloading now, Note. Please add a way to buy this without steam and a demo without steam. Thanks.

I hate steam and a lot of others also hate it.
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Posted: 6th Oct 2022 23:44
Ok how do I start this.


Very professional game.

Ok so I have to have my joystick plugged in before it is accounted for but this is ok, no big deal.

I tried to run with my right key and it took me to a menu I could not get out of unless I choose to, I believe rate the game? So This annoyed me lol. So i am thinking there is no run, and this is fine.

The looks and gameplay is well, perfect. It looks good and feels good and works perfect in game.

I am a old Mario brothers gamer and what I see is better then that, having starting my own side shooter game I know what it takes and how much imagination you must have for the next frames of puzzles are needed, and it is not a easy task.

I am blown away with what it is and to be honest more inspired to finish what I have started.

This also gives me ideas and also ideas on how to better my own game lol as far as movements and game based events.

I will play the rest of it and if there is anything else will post new info.

Thank you for the demo.

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Posted: 13th Oct 2022 10:25
AQUILLANTO IS RELEASED!!!!! (I seriously cannot believe I am writing this!)


You can expect...
Super tight and ultra-controllable platforming - you can really throw the character around
3 worlds of action packed platforming
40 levels in total - every single one hand crafted with a huuuuge variety of challenges and tons of secret passages(some take 10+mins to complete)
30+ Monsters to do battle with... lots with reactive behaviours
11 million magic pen combinations... but only ONE gold pen!

Would really really appreciate some AppGameKit forum love! Reviews are really important in getting any visibility in Steam.... so would really appreciate it if you enjoy the game that you leave a review - even a small one!

AQUILLANTO - A side-scrolling platformer with super tight controls, 3 worlds to explore, hordes of monsters and a quest... Inspired by games on the Amiga computer
Virtual Nomad
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Posted: 13th Oct 2022 17:47 Edited at: 13th Oct 2022 17:55

Now, take this:

meanwhile, i skimmed the Showcase and didn't notice Aquillanto there where it should be? if i missed it, please provide a link? if it's not there, please make it so?

otherwise, purchased & brief review posted and a small bug to report (not sure where you want these):

@ the Game Settings menu, using L/R (joystick or keyboard) on anything other than the top row (Language + Frame Rate) does NOT wrap around to the other side. IE, Left from the Left Arrow on Difficulty and -'s on the Volumes or Right on the Right Arrow @ Display will disable further Joystick/Cursor Key controls (we still have the mouse to Back out).

nonetheless, this is a major accomplishment and i'll be playing it tons.

finally, can i edit the title on this thread from [WIP] to [RELEASED]?

Best of luck @ steam, congrats, again, and thanks for sharing!
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Posted: 13th Oct 2022 20:37
Congratulations David!!! Exceptional work
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Posted: 14th Oct 2022 08:31
Thanks guys.

@Virtual Nomad - thanks for bug report - can't believe I missed that. Quick fix so will look at that shortly (will take much longer to go through the steam upload process than actually do the fix!) Bug reports are cool here - or email me (I check emails more regularly)
AQUILLANTO - A side-scrolling platformer with super tight controls, 3 worlds to explore, hordes of monsters and a quest... Inspired by games on the Amiga computer
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Posted: 14th Oct 2022 08:34
Oh and YES! Please alter title to Released!!! Ha! Still can't believe I can say that!
AQUILLANTO - A side-scrolling platformer with super tight controls, 3 worlds to explore, 40 carefully crafted levels with 100s of challenges, 30+ monsters to battle and a quest... Inspired by games on the Amiga computer
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Posted: 14th Oct 2022 21:12
Sticking with a project for so long and actually finishing it is a huge accomplishment. Congrats!
Virtual Nomad
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Posted: 14th Oct 2022 22:18
Quote: "i am thinking there is no run"

make sure to Unlock the FPS in Game Settings.

i normally run at 30 FPS and thought "this is too slow" until i found that
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Posted: 19th Oct 2022 20:48
Virtual Nomad... Though TGC contacted you for Showcase submissions... only just realised that you have to submit! So that's done now!

Whilst here - want to give a shout out to Virtual Nomad who has been super helpful to me behind the scenes! A top chap!!!
AQUILLANTO - A side-scrolling platformer with super tight controls, 3 worlds to explore, 40 carefully crafted levels with 100s of challenges, 30+ monsters to battle and a quest... Inspired by games on the Amiga computer
Virtual Nomad
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Posted: 21st Oct 2022 13:00
Perfect work!!
I am sorry for poor English
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Posted: 24th Oct 2022 20:02
Thank you!
AQUILLANTO - A side-scrolling platformer with super tight controls, 3 worlds to explore, 40 carefully crafted levels with 100s of challenges, 30+ monsters to battle and a quest... Inspired by games on the Amiga computer
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Posted: 6th Dec 2022 17:08
I finally got a little Windows setup up and running yesterday so I could play this game and other win-only AppGameKit titles. (I'm on Mac)

First of all, congratulations with the release!

Even though i'm only through the tutorial & level 1 (+ the 'alternate' versions) - i've had tons of fun and will return. I am very impressed over the feel and gameplay of the game.
Very nice with the controller integration, it's almost a must for games like these. I haven't gotten much into the pen making system yet, but I am excited for that. (Also saw VN had put up a guide on Steam for it which was very nice!)

I love hunting for secrets and interesting things in platformers like this, and this seems to be the perfect game for that. I've already had some of "Ah, I was correct!" moments and i'm just through some of the start levels.

Very fun, gonna be playing this a lot. Hope to see a Mac release one day!
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Posted: 29th Jan 2023 17:46
So glad you're enjoying it. The levels get more and more interesting as you progress so definitely sick at it. And definitely start to build custom pens - you can make ones that shoot much further or spray ink/bullets in a fan - they really help!

A review on Steam would be much appreciated! Steam tends to ignore games with fewer than 10 reviews...
AQUILLANTO - A side-scrolling platformer with super tight controls, 3 worlds to explore, 40 carefully crafted levels with 100s of challenges, 30+ monsters to battle and a quest... Inspired by games on the Amiga computer

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