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FPSC Classic Product Chat / Just an idea.

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Posted: 11th Jan 2018 23:31
So i tried to follow your directions ncmako. Game wouldn't play and even after deleting the game from my computer it locked up fpsc. Had to restart computer. Will give it another try on saturday when i have more time. Wish me luck.

Before you ask me what i did, Don't ask because i don't know.
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Posted: 12th Jan 2018 10:24 Edited at: 12th Jan 2018 11:29
Quote: "Before you ask me what i did, Don't ask "

I tried, can't do it...did you use my setup.ini ? If you did, don't. My bad...
I shouldn't have added it to the files. Was added only for reference to the "splash=x" line.
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Posted: 12th Jan 2018 22:35
Quote: "I tried, can't do it."

Quote: "did you use my setup.ini ?"

I think i did.
Quote: " Was added only for reference to the "splash=x" line."

good to know.
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Posted: 12th Jan 2018 23:13
@ Seppgirty
Quote: "I think i did"

If you did, yeah it would crash. If you open it up and see this..

Yeh, then it was my setup.ini. Noticed the level I used for the build, it would not be yours.
Ok, easy fix. Do you have a backup copy or do you need a default new one?
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Posted: 13th Jan 2018 00:00
Quote: " or do you need a default new one?"

a new one please.
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Posted: 13th Jan 2018 12:54
@ Seppgirty Attached is a (my) default setup.ini for fpsc. This is the one in the MAIN directory
that fpsc uses. You may want to adjust the "lightmapquality" to meet your needs.
When you open it you'll notice it uses the default (global = languagebank\english\gamebank\mygame\setuplevel.fpi)

I do need to know, you copied my setup.ini into your main directory, not your final build one ??? correct?
It's your main one that needs repair?
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Posted: 13th Jan 2018 14:42
Quote: "I do need to know, you copied my setup.ini into your main directory, not your final build one ??? correct?
It's your main one that needs repair? "

No, i think it was in the build.
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Posted: 13th Jan 2018 16:34
Hey guys. Can you tell me the time of day your levels are based on?
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Posted: 13th Jan 2018 17:40
@ seppgirty
Quote: "No, i think it was in the build"

Ok, then only the "build" one was messed up. Leave your Main one
then alone. Just make a new build and it will make it's own working setup.ini file.

@ Mriganka I think that each level/chapter haves its own unique "time of day"
The story spans several days I believe ? (or more)
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Posted: 13th Jan 2018 17:47
Quote: "Hey guys. Can you tell me the time of day your levels are based on?"

hotel is afternoon.Warehouse is night.

got some of the stuff working. Was i supposed to use the folders from your compiled game or from the DC folder?
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Posted: 13th Jan 2018 18:28 Edited at: 13th Jan 2018 19:58
@ seppgirty Under the "Other" folder (GDrive) I just cleaned out unneeded files. Uploaded a fresh copy of
"Dark City Game Folders Setup" ( I left out my setup.ini so it wont happen again)
Copy all the images over into your fpsc files/folders from the "gamecore" and the "languagebank\gamecore"
not the languagebank\gamebank" yet...we'll do that after the build.
The "scriptbank" has the script for the "win zone" to play video upon level complete.
( note: that script points to my video ( the win-zone one) you will have to open that script and change to your video's file path)
Skip the videobank for now, it's just my vid's. You can drop your's in anytime after the build.

Sepgirty I made two quick vid's showing setup. may help ?
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Posted: 14th Jan 2018 15:18
thanks for the vids. Will watch them later tonight.
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Posted: 21st Jan 2018 22:26
Still working on getting a compiled level. Your videos have helped alot ncmako. Just been having lots of trouble with fpsc. Will post questions for you later. I'm very close though.
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Posted: 22nd Jan 2018 01:14
@ seppgirty No problems, take your time. Been rough last two weeks with weather and all. Still digging out and cleaning up the mess.
I'm still putting finishing touches on last level. Every time I think I'm done... I feel I need to change something else...
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Posted: 3rd Feb 2018 17:01
O.k., for the love of God. I got a level to compile with the correct pointer and fonts and everything. Just need to know how to get that cool video back ground you made to play. Thanks.
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Posted: 3rd Feb 2018 18:56
@ seppgirty
Quote: " how to get that cool video back ground "

Glad everything compiled... ok just for the video "background" that plays while in the menu ( not a splash video )
make sure your "titlepage.fpi" has this line :state=0:backdropvideo=gamecore\backdrops\DarkCity\backdrop2.wmv,state=2
This is mine, again ignore the top lines and state=2 with the "splash" video commands....

Now make sure the "background" video is placed in the gamecore\backdrops\DarkCity folder.
Video wont compress or carry over when doing a final build, so it's best to wait, do a build, then add the videos to the
proper folder when all is finished and you know everything else is ok.
That's it. It should now play when you call for the menu. Do you still have the backdrop2.wmv file ?
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Posted: 3rd Feb 2018 19:33 Edited at: 3rd Feb 2018 20:02
O.k., i got my title page from languagebank/english/gamebank/DarkCity. this is what it looks like

Where do i add that line?

Also, you tell me in your video to copy over your save/load file. when i do that it freezes up fpsc. so i won't use those
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Posted: 3rd Feb 2018 20:43
recompiled my game and this is my new title page.

Thanks for looking at this ncmako.
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Posted: 3rd Feb 2018 22:58 Edited at: 3rd Feb 2018 23:03
@ seppgirty Yep, looks good... you also have the "title_background.jpg" I gave you in there. That was just a "holder image"....
I see you also added a background music file, but with the background video it won't be needed. So we'll remove that line and
the line " :state=0:state=2 " we'll jump to state=2 on the backdropvideo line.
This should do it. Again, make sure your video is in the correct folder...

Note: you'll notice after a good compile all the images for these setup & loading pages, the folders for them
are all empty. But they aren't, they have all been compressed into the "imageblock.bin" and all your
other texture files. When you run the game it un-compresses them back into there correct folders
for game use. Only the videos can't be done that way.
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Posted: 4th Feb 2018 15:52
Freakin' awesome Mike! It worked! Just learned that you can't copy and paste the code. You have to type it in manually. This is looking like a real game now. Is there anything else i have to do before i call this complete and give it to you?
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Posted: 4th Feb 2018 19:34
@ seppgirty Happy everything is working out for you That's great ! Didn't realize about not being able to copy & paste ?
Quote: " Is there anything else i have to do before i call this complete "

Only if you feel anything else needs to be added. Splash video, any cut scenes ...ect? Oh now that I think of it, did you use cut-scenes?
Do they work & play good for you in the final build ?
As for my final build for Chapter 5, working on a better finale. Looks good every time in a test run, but then the final build it just doesn't
I'll sort it out and give you a quick build and see what you think.
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Posted: 4th Feb 2018 19:54
Quote: " Oh now that I think of it, did you use cut-scenes?
Do they work & play good for you in the final build ?"

They seem to work fine for me.
Quote: "As for my final build for Chapter 5, working on a better finale. Looks good every time in a test run, but then the final build it just doesn't
I'll sort it out and give you a quick build and see what you think."

The curse of fpsc.

Having trouble playing my Hotel baltimore level. Stupid crashes.... I'll see what i can do. Uploaded my final build of the warehouse to g drive/level folder. it's called "THEWAREHOUSE" Give it a test to make sure.
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Posted: 4th Feb 2018 22:47 Edited at: 4th Feb 2018 23:25
@ seppgirty
Quote: " Uploaded my final build"

Grabbing it now! Will let you know how it goes.

Plays awesome !!! Love the kitsch 80's style detective music. Perfect fit for this
Just some small bugs, loadingpage bullet (loading bar) off a bit...Fixed.
Second, very heavy lens flares ( did you want that ? ) I had to turn off all but the
"sin-city" effect ( see attachment) Flares sometimes overwhelm screen ???
Other than that everything works great. Going to play some more and see if anything
else pops-up.
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Posted: 5th Feb 2018 23:31
Quote: " Flares sometimes overwhelm screen ???"

Yeah, i know about that. It's weird how it bleeds through the loading screen. I keep it in there though because i like it for the moon light.
Quote: "Other than that everything works great. Going to play some more and see if anything
else pops-up."

Great, i hope the rest of it is o.k.
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Posted: 5th Feb 2018 23:37
@ seppgirty On a side note, I was thinking ( oh no not again ) since the game is a "story-mode" like play do we really
need or want a game "save/load" option ? I feel like each Chapter should be playable in one round ( maybe an extra few lives )
before moving to the next chapter. What do you think ?
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Posted: 6th Feb 2018 00:17
That's a good question Mike. I like having save points because if you die on the 5th floor you have to run back up all those steps again and that's hell on my knees.
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Posted: 7th Feb 2018 07:29
Why dont You use Check-points instead, Its hell lot better than add lives. To add lives gives the game a feel of Mario Bros....
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Posted: 7th Feb 2018 22:12
@ seppgirty Ok, just a thought to save a little space. No problem. On another note..... check your main
"setup.ini" in the fpsc directory. See if under "Game Make" section the line imageblockmode=x is set to one (1)
I have a feeling it's set to zero Your last build didn't have an "imageblock.bin" file ??? Doing so should make
your builds much smaller in size & quicker to load.

@ Mr Love yeah, I use a lot of check-points already
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Posted: 8th Feb 2018 00:12
Quote: " On another note..... check your main
"setup.ini" in the fpsc directory. See if under "Game Make" section the line imageblockmode=x is set to one (1)
I have a feeling it's set to zero"

You are correct sir. Not sure how that got changed. Thanks for catching that.

I might be confused on what you meant by "game save" I think we should have check points. is that what you are talking about?

Not even a chuckle for my joke?
Quote: " I like having save points because if you die on the 5th floor you have to run back up all those steps again and that's hell on my knees."
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Posted: 8th Feb 2018 09:57
@ seppgirty
Quote: "Not even a chuckle for my joke"

Oh yes.... I got it No I wasn't referring to the check points but the actual game saves.
No worries
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Posted: 8th Feb 2018 23:53
Then no. I don't think we need game saves.
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Posted: 9th Feb 2018 00:19
@ seppgirty
Quote: "I don't think we need game saves"

Ok, so if your thinking what I am, we can drop the whole "game saves" ???
This would free up some stuff... like in the main "titlepage.fpi" the "load page" can be dropped, we only need
"new game" & "exit game" and of course the page "header" image.
And when a player hits "esc" ( in the levelsetup.fpi ) we can omit the "load game & save game" options.

All that would be need are then "exit game" and "return to game" ...we can drop a lot of images & free up resources ?

Let me work on this tonight and see how it would workout ?
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Posted: 10th Feb 2018 00:53
It sounds like you're close wrapping this up.
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Posted: 11th Feb 2018 00:02
Sounds like a good idea ncmako. let me know.
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Posted: 11th Feb 2018 13:48
Btw, can anyone retexture the police car that we are using? It seems a bit too low res and my texturing skills are not up to par.
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Posted: 11th Feb 2018 16:41
Quote: "It sounds like you're close wrapping this up."

getting closer.
Quote: "Btw, can anyone retexture the police car that we are using? It seems a bit too low res and my texturing skills are not up to par."

maybe try one from the tgc store.

i won't compile my levels again until you get the save/load stuff figured out.
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Posted: 18th Feb 2018 18:52
@ seppgirty Sepp, I just uploaded a small file to G-Drive under "over all sounds" named "Voices need for Logan "
I Just need these final "Logan" voices
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Posted: 19th Feb 2018 23:55
So you want me to do jack's voice from the audio file. I like those lines of text. very cool. for the mayor and his wife's dialog, i'll need a little more direction from you. send that to me in a e-mail. i'll get this done as soon as i can.
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Posted: 20th Feb 2018 02:19
@ seppgirty
Quote: "So you want me to do jack's voice from the audio file"

Yes, the one named "finale.wav" If you send me just "Logans" voice, I'll splice it it where needed
And then the extra quotes from the text files.
Ok, I just sent to your gmail account.
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Posted: 21st Feb 2018 00:24
I already had the written dialog and the audio file you uploaded to the google drive. I need to know what's going on in the scene with the mayor and wife so i can write dialog for that scene.
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Posted: 21st Feb 2018 21:49
@ seppgirty
Quote: "I need to know what's going on in the scene"

Ok, can do. What i can do is a short game-play video up to the part where to cut-scene starts?
Working on it
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Posted: 22nd Feb 2018 11:26
@ seppgirty Ok, I made a simple quick video showing the Scrap-Yard setup, with Jack Logan going into the Warehouse/office where
he runs into the Mayor & Wife ( final conversation ) this is where he learns Eddie has Amber up in the crane and must rescue her & kill Eddie.
See if this works?
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Posted: 24th Feb 2018 00:19
Will check it out. thanks.
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Posted: 24th Feb 2018 16:57
emailed you a couple of the audio files. Let me know if they work for you.
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Posted: 25th Feb 2018 03:02
@ seppgirty Yep, got it and it's perfect ! May I have more please
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Posted: 25th Feb 2018 14:50 Edited at: 25th Feb 2018 18:35
Looking sweet

Quote: " May I have more please"

Will get you more.

sent you some more. Also sent you the script for the junkyard cut scene.
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Posted: 25th Feb 2018 19:06 Edited at: 25th Feb 2018 20:30
@ seppgirty
Quote: "sent you the script for the junkyard cut scene"

Got it Thank you.

OMG just read the final script with the Mayor & wife. This is awesome stuff, couldn't get any better!
I Love it I have an idea ( oh oh there he goes again ) I just need some fed. (FBI) models.
I think I have some?
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Posted: 25th Feb 2018 21:22
Quote: " I have an idea ( oh oh there he goes again ) I just need some fed. (FBI) models.
I think I have some?"

I love it when you get ideas.....
I will record the audio for the scene when i get the chance. Have to get the wife too also.
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Posted: 9th Mar 2018 23:40
just so you know. I emailed you those voices.
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Posted: 10th Mar 2018 00:15 Edited at: 5th Apr 2018 02:54
@ seppgirty Thank you for letting me know. Getting them now
Will start final cut-scene this eve.
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