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FPSC Classic Work In Progress / [X9] [VBOTB '10] Alpha Project [Dev. Thread]

VBOTB Developer '10
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Posted: 8th Jan 2012 10:33

I've known of it for a while, but I've been afraid to move over to it because I'm so close with FPSC. The more I use it day by day, the easier it is to me. I've learnt more about Javascript in unity than I have in web development! I'm not usually interested when it comes to coding/scripting but Unity as helped me ease into it.

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Posted: 8th Jan 2012 10:55
Quote: "I'm so close with FPSC."
Then why not finish this with it? I mean this is a VBOTB title, what do you have to lose?
VBOTB Developer '10
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Posted: 8th Jan 2012 11:17

I said before. The engine is adding commands that I already have and it's too tedious to replace every single one.

Wraith Staff
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Posted: 8th Jan 2012 13:13
Quote: "As I know,there are user who made weapon import tool for Unity as I remember."

You man to import FPSC weapons to Unity!? That would be awesome!

I really think that Alpha Project will go far, regardless of the engine you stick with

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Posted: 8th Jan 2012 14:12
Quote: "[quote]I've known of it for a while, but I've been afraid to move over to it because I'm so close with FPSC. The more I use it day by day, the easier it is to me. I've learnt more about Javascript in unity than I have in web development! I'm not usually interested when it comes to coding/scripting but Unity as helped me ease into it."

You know,I really close with FPSC.Well if you use Unity it does not mean you will leave your FPSC forever.I think it's great idea you used FPSC.It will show people that FPSC is awsome.There not many FPSC commercial game.As I know there are publisher called Indie city.There were all friendly I think hehe (Not like Steam).Maybe you could try Steam too.Anyway sorry for bit offtopic.
One thing I will hate when I sell my game is PIRATE.Well Unity is hard scripting too I think,maybe you experience with it.At Unity forum they were not friendly but there are some of them are really kind and friendly but not many (Some of them called me noob when I was need help how to import models for Unity 1 years ago).Well in TGC Forum we were all funny,friendly and also can help too.So again,its your choice my friend.

Quote: "You man to import FPSC weapons to Unity!? That would be awesome!


Of course I am the man lol,sorry.You mean weapon importer right?If you want it,they sell about $75.00.It was expensive but useful.It called FPS Constructor!You can import your weapon with ease.I just buy it for my project.

The FPS Constructor is an easy to use system for making First Person Shooters. Create any weapon you could imagine, from an automatic rifle to an orbital laser, and have them working in minutes! Simple to use, but flexible enough to make the game YOU want to make. You can easily make a modern FPS game, with features like secondary weapons/attachments, bullet penetration, and aim-down-sights, but you could also make something completely different.


All the features of a modern shooter
Easy art integration
Limitless weapon possibilities
10 example weapons
Environmental effects

I don't know If I can put another thread link in TGC Forum.Anyway here her link!

That's all

Poloflece,Anayar,PWP,Henry Ham,Cosmic Prophet,Wolf,Rolfy,KeithC,Nickydude,SceneCommander,Dark Goblin And Lee Bamber is my icon.

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