I checked out your tutorial COZ, awsome, I'll take that stuff into effect, keep updating with the tutorial chapters.
I'm working on a horror game, called "THE OBLIVION", might want to change the name though, it may be too basic, what do you guys think.
The game takes place in London, England in 2008, (I don't know why I decided that city, well, I havent seen many games taking place there, thats probably why, seperate it from all those games taking place in California or NYC.) Anyway, you play Chris Cheric, a London cop who investigates a murder scene, and the dead guy attacks him, (weird,). And all the city except him turns into vicouse, (I'm guessing I spelled that wrong) rabid, maneatingzombies because the Gates Of Oblivion released evil spirits into the city (hence the name "The Oblivion") and you(Chris Cheric), have to destroy the evil at it's source, and shut the Gates Of Oblivion. So yeah, that's it, should I change the name or no.
So it's all modern day horror game, not like DOOM or QUAKE or anything like that. So that lighting tutorial should come in handy, I want it DAAAAARK. OOOOOOOHHH.
So Creater Of Zombies, any tips on making a game particularly scary. I could use some advice.
Troy Chambers